Okay. Ilike the last line in the bible straight out says that homosexuals (among other people) are going to hell. I dont understand how that can be any more clear. I dont judge anyone who is gay but i really hate it when people turn into hipocrits and say that they are christians but they are gay or support gay people. It really doesnt make sense to me. I dont mean to say that i hate gay people and they are goin to hell or anythung, cause thats not for me to say. But i mean that if you believe in the bible, there is something wrong with picking and choosig what to listen to and what to disregard. thats not what being a christian is about
"Okay. Ilike the last line in the bible straight out says that homosexuals (among other people) are going to hell. I dont understand how that can be any more clear."
"But i mean that if you believe in the bible..."
I don't believe in the Bible. I don't understand how can that be any more clear.
Jesus never specifically mentioned that homosexuality was a sin, and all the arguments that attempt to justify this belief rely upon inference arguments. Seriously, He had no problems with homosexuals, but he did have problems with people who practices sexual immorality, which is orientation independent.
"Okay. Ilike the last line in the bible straight out says that homosexuals (among other people) are going to hell."
"I dont mean to say that i hate gay people and they are goin to hell or anythung,"
This is what we call an internaly inconsistant argument.
Yeah, those moderates are just wusses who couldn't handle the true literal word or God.
Tough, true Christians like you, you stone to death every rebellious teen you see and burn any city to the ground where a person worships a false God, right?
What Ashleeeeeeeeeey is blathering on about is 2 verses in Revelation:
22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
By this "logic", anyone who ever told a lie wont make it to heaven. The apostle Paul was also a murderer, so he is fucked too.
There are another 6 verses after these ones, so it isn't the last line.
All christians pick and choose which bits of the bible to believe or disregard, that's why there are thousands of sects within Christianity.
"Ilike the last line in the bible straight out says that homosexuals (among other people) are going to hell. "
The last line in the Bible (KJV) is Revelation 22, verse 21
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."
The continuing failure of fundamentalists to know their own faith is driving me insane.
I mean really, it's one thing to be an ass who believes that only their faith is the right one and everyone else will burn. It's a whole new level off asshattery to believe that only your faith is the right one, but you don't even know what your faith actually says.
But whatever it is you better believe it or you'll burn! Burn! Burn!
Well, even as an atheist. I have always wondered why a homosexual would consider (him/her) self christian, muslim, or jewish, in any way.
It just seems so self-hating.
By the way, I do believe that there is a book called the bible, I just believe it belongs with other mediocre fiction, or perhaps it belongs with neo-nazi propaganda.
Blackclaw handled the bit about the "last line" superbly. However, I couldn't resist quoting the next-to-last line. It's always good for a chuckle for those of us with a puerile sense of humor.
"He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly . Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus."
Wow! A Christian who was able to find the shift key (or more likely the caps lock key, the shift key might be beyond them) on more than one occasion. If only she could use an apostrophe here and there or perhaps learn about Proper Nouns? Then, and only then, will we allow her to have an opinion in writing.
"Okay. Ilike the last line in the bible straight out says that homosexuals (among other people) are going to hell. I dont understand how that can be any more clear."
It doesn't matter how clear it is if it's not true. Which it's not. Obviously.
"I dont judge anyone who is gay but i really hate it when people turn into hipocrits and say that they are christians but they are gay or support gay people. It really doesnt make sense to me."
I'll bet a lot of things "don't make sense" to you.
"I dont mean to say that i hate gay people and they are goin to hell or anythung, cause thats not for me to say."
Except that you did. You're just hiding behind your Babble while you do it because you don't have the guts to come out and state your opinion.
"But i mean that if you believe in the bible, there is something wrong with picking and choosig what to listen to and what to disregard. thats not what being a christian is about"
Of course it is. That's been the tradition for 2000 years and 30,000+ sects. Why exactly do you think there's so many versions of "True Christianity"?
"But i mean that if you believe in the bible, there is something wrong with picking and choosig what to listen to and what to disregard . thats not what being a christian is about"
FUCKING IRONIC. Are you saying that you support the idea that we're also abominations if we eat shrimp, wear clothes woven of two different fabrics, plant two kinds of crop in one field, or that rape victims should be killed if they don't scream loud enough? Does this mean you support the passages for slavery too? OHNOES BLACK PEOPLE.
Either you're a cherry picking retard and you don't know it, or you're a bigoted fucking racist. Take your pick.
Okay. Ilike the last line in the bible straight out says that homosexuals (among other people) are going to hell.
Actually the last line of the Bible is:
Revelation 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
No matter how I stretch and twist this sentence I can't seem to find a reference to fruits here. Just to be fair I looked at the last few complete verses at the end of Revelation. They deal exclusively with warnings against adding unauthorized material to the Bible.
I dont mean to say that i hate gay people and they are goin to hell or anythung, cause thats not for me to say.
I refuse to believe that you're so dumb you forgot what you wrote a mere 4 sentences earlier.
I think some of you guys are missing the point. She isn't advocating hating gays (at least in this one quote), she's saying that's it's stupid to be a hypocritical Christian that picks and chooses, and regardless of any irony-meter explosions, it seems like a lot of the other people commenting on this feel the same, but are attacking her nonetheless.
Why is it a trend among fundie teenagers to put more letters than necessary for the syllables in their name? I swear, this month I've seen a "kaaydee", "kayylee" and now an "ashleeeyy".
Stop it already.
@Justin: It confounds me as to how a kitchen can make one pregnant. ;p
Sorry to say that, but this Fundie is quite right.
These things are written in the Bible. Anybody who tries to believe in the Bible as the ultimate truth must accept this. If not, there is only the way of "cherry-picking". Either you reject homosexuality together with shrimp, shaving, pig meat and work on the Sabbath, or you are "picking and choosing".
For me, reading the Bible and these inacceptable, weird to deeply immoral things in this badly written book from the bronze-age, meant one thing for me: That this book cannot be the foundation of my ethics. Consequently, I reject the bible completely, and rather try to base my ethics and worldview in secular humanism.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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