Re: liberals are angry tahts all they know
Yes, it's sad. We keep trying to tell them that we speak out because we don't want anyone to go to hell, but they just don't understand. If we didn't care we wouldn't try to warn them. And I'll never understand why it's always only the God of the Bible they hate, even though the gods of other religions are vile and never offer their followers any real, guaranteed hope.
But of course the explanation is that Satan fills them with this hatred.
Nobody hates something they don´t believe in. They just are happy if somebody lives and let live. By the way, if you don´t want to go to hell, stop doing to others what you don´t want to be done unto you. Have you never considered that other people in other religions think it´s their religious duty to be a bother to you too on the same grounds?, if so, what´s your merit then, as Jesus would say?
Besides, what amazes me it´s that those guys insist that they don´t want people to go to Hell, how?, harrassing?, misinforming themselves about other religions creating more often than not situations of unintential humor?. If their intentions were honest, they would choose another path.
Perhaps you missed our memo. We don't give a rat's ass about which religion it is, we hate fundies. Fundies are people of any faith who do not respect other people's religion or even other people's right to have no religion. Since you have attacked other religions (vile and hopeless) and people without religion(satan fills them with hatred) you fit this fundie mold.PS Every faith believes that it is the correct one, that's why they call it faith.
We don't hate God anymore than you hate the tooth fairy. We do, however, tend to have a strong distaste toward his fan club, especially when they try to impose their nonsense on the rest of us.
Yes, you're ABSOLUTELY right. Satan fills us with hatred instead of bile-filled, bigoted, ignorami such as yourself. 9_9
Hatred tastes like Cookie Dough.
I don't hate Biblegod, except as an objectionable fictional character, I'm just tired of the bigotry, stupidity, and unreason embodied by far too many of his Fan Club.
I don't dislike other religions as much as I dislike Christianity, because I've never had a Hindu, or a Buddhist knock on my door and try to convert me.
Nice self-righteous drivel. You are clearly concerned for our souls and not just ticked off others would choose to completely ignore the belief system you are creating your universe around. Uh-huh...
I sometimes feel that someone who isn't turned on by the idea of other humans suffering wouldn't so readily embrace a belief that condems anyone who disagrees with them to HELL, but maybe that's just me...
Well in the U.S., you don't see many Hindus or Sihks running around trying to violate separation of church and state. That's why you Christian fundies get bashed so often - you're the majority. You put yourselves in the public eye, and anybody in the public eye is open to attack.
Oh, yeah, like no other religion offers hope. If anything, I'd say Hinduism offers more hope, since you have more than one chance to get things right and achieve the ultimate oneness with god.
I have very little hatred, as hatred hurts you more than the object of your hatred.
Plus, I'm no Liberal, I'm a Socialist.
And I'm barely an agnostic. Less than two years ago I stood in a great cathedral (with a thousand years of history) and said, from my heart, "Thy will be done!". Here I am, two years later, unemployed and un-rooted in a foreign part of Sweden. I don't really regret my actions, but if God really is omniscient, he ought to have known about the Financial Crisis that was on the verge of happening at that moment, and ought to have stopped me.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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