[This is only one of Rapture Ready's 101 end of the world prophecies. It's a goldmine.]
False Bible teachers would bring in heresies, have many followers, and cause others to reject God's Word (2 Peter 2:1-2). It is very common today to find people who reject the Bible out of hand because they have heard it misrepresented by a false teacher.
This is how they tell who the REAL CHRISTIANS (tm) are.
Progressive Church? Satan!
Tolerant of Homosexuals? Lucifer incarnate!
Don't use the KJV Bible? The Devils lapdogs
Don't believe in a literal interpretation of Biblical scripture? Your congregation is Hellbound.
Truthfully, the jews who think it's just a guideline to living or parables that have lost their origional intent, are the only right people teaching about it.
Like Krusty's father the Rabbi said (paraphrased)
"some say we tell lies, never! We may e
(whoops sorry)
Like Krusty's father the Rabbi said (paraphrased)
"Some say we tell lies, Never! We may embelish or exaggerate, we may tell stories about things that never happened, but we never lie.
Let me guess - you know what the Bible really says, right? So you're the only one qualified to teach about it, right? Well, truth is, you're not. Now go away.
It is very common today to find people who reject the Bible out of hand because they have heard it misrepresented by a false teacher.
Actually, it's more common to find people who reject the Bible out of hand because they've actually read the bloody thing.
It is very common today to find people who reject the Bible out of hand because they have heard it misrepresented by a false teacher.
Today? It's been common for 2,000 years. What kind of prophesy is that? There have been people touting various religions since the dawn of man, with followers who believe them and others who claim they're heretics. That's like predicting "there's going to be a war somewhere" or "an earthquake will destroy many homes". It's almost guaranteed to come true.
"That's like predicting "there's going to be a war somewhere" or "an earthquake will destroy many homes". It's almost guaranteed to come true."
Which is, of course, precisely why they make those sorts of predictions XD
Ah! If they only knew that the modern Buy-bull, especially the homoerotic KJV, doesn't even resemble the original. Of course, that would spoil their sick fantasies and bring them to the conclusion that their whole Rapture crap wasn't even included.
RR talking about people misrepresenting scripture? People in glass houses shouldn't be firing cruise missles. In the many times I've read the bible I failed to see the parts that mentioned magic spirit bodies, gem studded mansions, and the like. RR gets more of it's theology from the Left Behind series than it does from the bible.
They're all false teachers, except those who teach the following... that the Bible is a construction of unrelated books by different authors, some of whom had their own personal agendas, and some of whom were repeating old myths from other cultures (probably believig them to be true). Most of the books were badly translated into Greek and Latin, before being even more badly translated afterwards into English. These books were then incorporated together in an arbitrary collection by a bunch of squabbling control freaks with a political agenda, to gather the peoples of many nations together under an alternative, global, political system through supernatural fear. The religious leadership (surprisingly enough in Rome) then used this as a string to control other nations through the beliefs of their people.
And then came the protestants, and the baptists, and the Jehovas Witnesses, and the Morons (sorry I mean Mormons)... who further complicated the whole thing, using the fear from the original Roman doctrine to create new agendas and make war against the people of the other doctrines.
Then came the televangelists, whose agenda was even more sinister... to make MONEY.
(This next bit hasn't happened yet). And so the tower of hypocrisy which had been built so carefully (and chaotically), came tumbling down.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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