Bro. Randy #fundie
You are right, as individuals, we are not to resist persecution for our faith. As a nation, we are not to allow God's country to be overtaken by muslims and pagans. When you study the entire Word of God, you will see the origins of this conflict: Isaac vs. Ishmael. From there, the conflict grew. Ishmael choose not to obey God and fathered a nation which is, to this day living in rebellion to God. Second, God promised the seed of Isaac a nation and a certain parcel of land. Over time, the Devil, through the hand of the Muslims, have progressively taken that land from the children of God.
Now, we continue to see the results of Ishmael's rebellion. As a Christian nation, we must respect and support Israel. Becase we worship Jehovah - the God of Israel, we must reject the god of Ishmael. Because we reject the false religion of Ishmael, Islam, they have delcared war on us. This is a war we must fight.
As a nation, though, we are not fighting the religious war against Islam. We are fighting a war against terrorism. This is a war we must fight, but it is a war Christ will win!