/I know it's from a movie but it's true.with grate power comes grate responsebility and vice versa./
It's "great," not "grate."
/also women don't want to be = they want to be better./
How pathetic, you can't even bring yourself to spell the word, "equal." And yes, we do want to be equal. Just like minorities want to be equal to whites, and gays want to be treated equally as straights. Treating us equally is not giving us "special rights" or "privilege." It's simply common sense.
/thats the simple fact of the matter.why is it that boys are no longer aloud to be boys in schools?/
It's "allowed," not "aloud," first of all. (Yes, I'm a spelling and grammar stickler, deal with it). Second of all, since when? I must have missed the memo, because the boys at my school's brother school pretty much acted like typical high school boys.
/why do they get expeled for pretending that they are soldures fighting in a war./
*sigh* It's "soldiers." Second, what is this poster referring to? If he's referring to school shootings, uh, yes, there's a very good reason why schools don't want that to happen.
/thats not harmful it's just boy./
Ah, yes, the old, treasured maxim, "Boys will be boys." Is your son smashing my son's head against his locker? That's okay. Boys will be boys. Is your son leering at my daughter and making insulting remarks in an attempt to be flirtatious? That's okay. Boys will be boys.
/but the teachers would rather them play tea party because thats what girls do./
You really need to get out more. Hardly anyone plays "tea party" anymore. Unless you're talking about five-year-old girls.
/the whole society is becoming more ad more sisafighed./
My inner spell-check button is weeping.
/men are not better they are just different./
That's the first statement you've made that actually makes sense.
/we have different God given roles./
Oh, yes, bring on the religiously sponsored chauvinism!
/like war.it has been time tested and proven that when women are on the battle field it's nothing but bad luck.not because they can't do it( though that is a big part of it) but because the men do as God create them to do and leave their primary mission to go and protect the women./
Joan of Arc, Boudicca, and Clara Barton would smack you in the face so hard you'd be seeing stars for days, you patronizing twit.
/not because they are weaker but because they are to be treasured./
Oh, of course. "My pearl divine" and all that patronizing nonsense.
/when the Bible reffers to women as"the weaker vessel" it has the meaning of something that is treasured./
So why are we called "weaker?" For that matter, why are WE referred to as vessels?
/[another user's quote - But meanwhile, we have a woman who is running for president.]
which is a huge mistake./
Tell that to England, Germany, India, and the other many nations who have or have had female leaders, you practically illiterate moron.