We Christians would do well to adopt the Muslim strategy.
You say that as if there as a single "strategy" that is used and endorsed by every single muslim in the world. There is not.
When someone sues to remove the Ten Commandments from a public area, attack, beat and maybe even KILL them.
In other words, you ant to replace the Rule of Law with mob rule and rule by fear. How christ-like of you.
When a federal appeals court rules that Christian Nativity Scenes in New York Schools can be banned while Jew Menorrah's [sic] a Muslim Crescents can remain in the same schools, the Judges on that court should be attacked, beaten and if necessary, KILLED.
First, Your example is an outright lie, such an incident never has, nor likely ever will, happen. Second, Are you seriously advocating attacking and possibly killing federal appelate judges For upholding the fucking law?
When someone sues to halt Christian public prayers at football games, school events or local town meetings, that person should be attacked, beaten and if need be, KILLED.
Because in your version of a free country people should live in fear of being "attacked, beaten and if need be, KILLED" simply for asserting their constitutional to not have someone elses religion forced on them by a government institution.
Violence works.
Violence is a tool of the oppressor. Your purpose in advocating it is to instill fear in, and silence those who would dare to assert their constitutional rights to freedom from a government endorsed madatory religion.
By taking the path of violence in your misdirected zeal to destroy that which you perceive to be a monsterous, you will inevitably find that you have become a monster yourself.
It makes people think twice before doing something to a particular [sic] person or group of people.
No it makes people resentful of your heavyhanded tactics and even more determined to oppose your strategy of religious favouritism and covert indoctrination by suborning governmental institutions.
Moreover, neither individual christians, nor groups of christians are being maliciouly targeted for persecution anywhere in the US. Every last one of the lasuits you mentioned were filed in resonse to religious groups attemp to suborn the the power of goverment to exclusively promote a single religion, an act that is in violaton of both the letter and the spirit of the US Constitution.