[On talking about whether or not buisnesses should be allowed to not serve people based on their belief David chimes in and says that market forces should take care of racists. A few hours of discussion later...]
Until the vile feminist lawyer destroyed the black family in the 1960's, even during the worst of the KKK era, the terror wing of the Democratic party, black social pathologies were slightly higher than those of whites. Slightly higher unemployment, bastardy rates, crime victimization rates, slightly lower incomes. So your family was actually doing fairly well. That is why black soldiers fought well for their country.
To take it to an extreme. Sally Hemmings, the mistress of Thomas Jefferson, accompanied him to France while he was ambassador. Upon setting foot on French soil, she, her children and her brother were free. Then, after a few years, of high living, it was time to return to the US. All returned, preferring American slavery to French freedom and high living
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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