Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com
[On the 2015 Paris attacks, all of which were likely perpetrated by European nationals:]
Before the man carrying a passport in the name of Ahmed Almohammad blew himself up at France's national soccer stadium, he came on a boat from Turkey with hundreds of refugees. He passed through Greece, Serbia and Croatia, along with countless other migrants, accompanied no doubt by journalists and human rights workers eager to document the plight of the "refugees." [...] His passport may have been real. It may have been fake. No one was likely to notice. The name on his passport was not on an Interpol warrant. And so he was allowed into the heart of Europe.
Any talk of vetting is nothing more than plausible deniability. Unless a terrorist is already in our database, vetting him is a lost cause. Our system couldn't handle the World Trade Center bombers or the 9/11 hijackers and they came from functional countries that weren't in the middle of a civil war.
We are not going to be able to vet tens of thousands of people who claim they come from Syria, who have fake passports or who plead that they lost their passports at sea, whose names can be rendered in enough ways to give even a linguist a headache and who will get access to the United States long enough for them to disappear even if we did eventually turn up something on them.
ISIS may have carried out the brutal massacres in Paris, but Hollande, Merkel and the other friends of the refugees helped make it happen. And they want to help make it happen around the world.
The migrant crisis is an invasion. The bodies in Paris could just as easily have been stacked up in any country that was foolish and feckless enough to open the door to ISIS by taking in "refugees".
If Obama and Kerry succeed in their plan to bring tens of thousands of Syrian migrants to America, the next brutal massacre might not happen in Paris. It might happen in one of our cities instead.