I started out wanting to know what could possess and entire race of people to participate in the most atrocious (sp) crime against humanity -- the four hundred year african slave trade--- I found the answer in "Yurugu". As it turns out, it makes perfect sense how europeans could participate in the slave trade for that many years without "batting an eye". It's in their blood, it's in their hearts, it's in their minds; it's in their souls (even though they think "souls" don't exist). "Yurugu" for me has confirmed many of the discomforts I have experienced as a person of African descent in dealing with europeans. The part of the book that I thought was signficant is where Dr. Ani describes and discusses the "bi-polar" affects of european culture and thought. European's inability to view the whole and their interconnectedness with the whole of humanity and their spiritually accounts for the chaos we are experiencing in these times. She confirms for many of us what we have known for years. This work is very powerful! A must read for every African of the diaspora!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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