In Thailand it's MUCH easier to find a non-hooker girl who is happy to be your girlfriend than it is back in the West. To give you an idea - if you download Tinder and swipe right until the app won't let you anymore, you might get one match in the West. If you're lucky. In Thailand you'll get an average of 10. I started arranging meetups with these girls, and in the end started to make progress. Had my first non-hooker kiss a month after landing in Thailand, and a month later my first non-hooker sex. And the girl in question was an 18 yr old virgin, so I sorta hit the jackpot there - but that would have NEVER happened back in the UK at all.
Basically, if you ever want your fortunes with women to change, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WEST. No other advice comes close to this, it's the single major thing every incel must do to really improve his chances. Forget all the bullshit self-help books and PUA strategy, it's totally useless. Get out of the West and it's 100x easier to get women.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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