Power Point Paradise #fundie powerpointparadise.com
Yes, my dear fellow human beings, it was SCIENTIFICALLY proven long ago that our ancient forebears experienced a catastrophic disaster that tilted the Earth just before 2345 B.C. The globe got such a blow that it wobbled on for over 2000 years until 1880 AD.
Our Earth got hit so bad by that Global Deluge that all our smart ancient patriarchs AND THEIR 500 ethnic descendant tribes still talked about it for MILLENNIA, no matter which branch of the Table of Nations they belong to.
Either the Earth got tilted by the heavy weight of the Northern ice-packs, or by the terrible “thruster-rocket” power of the many instant ‘fountains of the Earth’ of sub-crustal super-critical water (still extant under the crust today) spouting out from below through the crack-lines which opened up in the crust of Pangaea, as so pitifully portrayed in the upcoming movie ‘NOAH’, obviously also designed to obfuscate or “debunk” true history once more. Where did the water come from? Listen for once to the Guardian who knows where the water is, but not where it went 2400 BC. But being dim cultural Marxists, who can blame them? :)
Certainly Aaronofski’s poor excuse for “Noah’s Ark” looks like a very un-seaworthy leaky crate! It would shatter and sink before it’d ever start to float! Yet another big wopper in Hellywood’s long line of Weapons of Mass Deceptions! WMD!
I’ve actually been wishing for a long time that Mel Gibson would have tackled a Noah movie, in his own inimitable way! I was actually gonna try to contact him, but didn’t know how to. I should have tried harder, but sad to say—I didn’t. After all, now Aaronofski is massacring true Ancient History. Ah! He might as well, so all the liars condemn themselves.
But perhaps it is not too late for Mel to do a real version with 2015 CG effects! Does anyone know how to contact Mel? Are you reading this Mel? I’d love to be one of your advisers! I actually started a screen-play once. Leave a comment with some email. You are not too old yet, to move the world once more big time!
The real historical super-critical water-fountains were so powerful and jetting up so high that some water-propelled rock-debris even escaped Earth’s gravity causing mares (lava-seas) and craters in the Moon, oh, and not to forget our comets and asteroids that are slowly beginning to return en masse?
Actually scientists just recently discovered that the water on the Moon is the same kind of water as on Earth! Oh really? Wow! Who could have expected such a thing! Amazing those ‘scientists’, no? Some actually have a clue! Or two? :) This time in the Mail!
Either the water-jets from the cracks were initially more powerful or numerous on one side of the Earth that caused it to tilt, otherwise the tilt may have been caused by the eventually developing Northern Ice pack resulting from the Flood. We personally do not believe it was caused by an impact of some huge asteroid, as no impact zone exists for it.
The cracks in the crust, caused by very hot pressurized super-critical water of volcanic nature, heated up the ocean so much, that it resulted in a huge REAL Climate Change around that time. The warming ocean vaporised up into a thick cover of rain-clouds coming down as lots of snow in the North and South turning into the icecap in the North, and as rain eroding the Sphinx in Egypt!
The snow soon turned into huge kilometers thick ice packs bringing down the ocean levels by 125 Meters. Whereas there was land in the Northern hemisphere able to catch the snow, down South Antarctica had not yet descended into a polar position by continental drift, like the Piri Reis Map testifies, obviously drawn before the Ice Age.
That copy of an ancient source map, and the Oronteus Finaeus map inserted below, shows Antarctica without ice, and in a more Northern position just below Africa at the end of the upturned tail of South America, before the continental drift really got going, during the days of Peleg, “when the Earth was divided!”
That means that then the snow in the South mostly fell into the ocean and melted, whereas in the North it could continually build up in Alaska, North America, Europe, and Siberia, causing a great weight shift to the North.
That weight may have precipitated that 26.5 degree tilt around 2345 B.C., but I am not a physicist so I’m not sure if it could have had the tilting effect.
Perhaps it is more likely that the main force of the “Fountains of the Earth” was more powerful at one side of the Earth, functioning like a Vernier thruster rocket on a space vehicle. I personally lean towards that interpretation.
But whatever mechanism precipitated that tilt, the direct unique cause was the Global Flooding of the Earth, documented around that same time in the Book of Genesis. There is no record of any other great disaster around 2345 BC than only the Global Deluge, as proven by Dodwell, which is the massive MAMMOTH in the Historical & Geological Livingroom!
What All This Means For Us?
It means that a Total Global Destruction of everything in the entire antediluvian civilisation that existed before, did really happen! But what that also means, is that the following terms, names, concepts, labels and paradigms that we have been bombarded with since we were old enough to “watch TV”, are bogus, false, non-existent, total fiction, and globalist weirdness, myths and fabrications!
“Pre-History, Stone Age, Paleolithic, Neolithic, Cavemen, Hunter Gatherers, Neanderthalers, Lucy, Peking Man, Macro Evolution, etc! And Darwin, Lyell, Hutton, Huxley, Dawkins, Gould, and many others, are all liars, crooks, deceivers, and supplanters, chosen, selected and promoted to confuse and alienate us all from the Life that is within our spirits, our conscience from our loving Creator.
It was all designed to make you believe that you are nothing else but a happenstance of chance and a spermatozoan coincidence without any greater destiny, rhyme or reason, so that you might as well commit suicide because there is no Father Creator who loves and cares for you, and you are just a meaningless blip on the temporary evolutionary screen of Time.
It proves again how we have been severely brainwashed by the Bankers’ Rhodes scholars into believing the fairytale that we descended from “primate-monkeys” and “Lucy” in Africa, and that we are “getting smarter” via Paleolithic cavemen and “Neanderthalers” into hunter-gathererers, who finally learned agriculture and how to built huts and domesticate cows, etc. Whereas we are actually getting dumbed down into deceived media dupes at the bottom of the gene-pool!
It is a very astute 150 years old conspiracy by International Globalists who control the media and education, to use the dislike of God of some among us who were cramped in their style having to “love their neighbour”, and could use a good cop-out.
The Globalists were more than willing to oblige with a false narrative based on the “terrible lizard” (dinosaur) theory, as “early T-Fords of Evolution”, that started “65 million years ago”, whereas we “Homo Sapiens” (meaning “wise man” as compared to “cavemen!” Ha!) only started “3-4 million years ago.”
It is a gross lie, my dears. The Emperor has no clothes on whatsoever, and you have been taken for such a grandiose ride, that they are continually laughing all the way to their banks about our stupidity, with your money!
I know, it is hard to change your world-view plus to suddenly get the wise cracks from the uninformed who still believe the tailors of the Emperor, although they see nothing. It’s just that they don’t want people to think they are stupid. Poor guys!
That is how the tailors work, see. They manufactured global peer pressure through the damned mainstream media to make everyone stupid although they tell them that they are very smart to believe that they originated from an explosion in space, and rain on the rocks for millions of years, and through non-existent positive mutations that even Dawkins can’t remember or quote.
So now it is up to you. You continue on being dumb in their eyes and “smart” in your own, or you take the unpopular red pill and we will show you how deep the rabbit hole really goes.
I told you, from the beginning of this article, that most of the masses wouldn’t believe in this conspiracy, and ridicule us as aluminum foil heads. It’s OK. They will find out one day anyway, but sadly, then it will be too late for quite a long time—. But don’t say we didn’t tell or warn them—