Bro. Randy #fundie

[In response to a sane poster asking if Mrs. Debbie thought God created woman to be man's personal maid.]

There's this radio talk show I listen to sometimes, and on that show, women call in complaining that their husband never helps them in the house or never thanks them for taking care of the house. Almost every time, the host of the show responds by asking the caller, "When was the last time you helped hubby with his work or thanked him for working so hard?"

Don't get mad at me because God made you a female, and don't get mad at me because God defined your role. Maybe you should get mad at yourself because you are not submissive to the will of God. Or, perhaps you should get mad at the women's libbers for making the lot of women around the world worse than God planned it to be. Or, perhaps you should get mad at society for tricking so many people into believing that buying stuff was more important than raising children (thus making so many people 'need' two incomes so they can pay their MASTER card - their VISA to AMERICAN DISTRESS).

Like Mrs. Moosemuffin has said, there are plenty of verses where God has defined the ladies role. But, let me add: Raising the children, training them, is the single most important job there is. Think about it: Mom's have the awesome responsibility of forming the leaders of tomorrow. What more important job can there be?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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