[=A comment on a post regarding Universalism=]
A god who saves everyone would not be one worth worshipping. He would be a monster. If God isn't just, I want no part of Him.
Um.....If you feel that way you're not doing morality right. Or anything else for that matter. I mean you make it sound like monsters are the good ones here if they are for saving others.
And if god were just there would be no original sin. After all it means people are being punished for ancestors behavior.
Anna Diehl, is that you?
Doesn't the Bible itself say that Jesus was sacrificed to save everyone? What kind of "justice" is eternal, unspeakable torture for arbitrary "sins" that change constantly, minor infractions & believing that reality is as it seems?
Who do you worship? Khorne?
"If God isn't just, I want no part of Him"
'Just' = 'Saves only people like ME!', Sven?
Someone must be punished.
Reminds me of the scene in "The Gangs of New York"; Tweed and Bill Cutting are discussing
cleaning up their image. Bill says they should publicly hang 3 or 4 rapists or murderers
to make it look good. Tweed says, OK, which is it? Bill says "Four".
Hate to break it to you, Sven - actually, I don't - but God can punish someone for crimes, and very fucking well , without the 'need' for eternal torment. (The lessons an infinite being can teach are plenty painful, and very, very pointed...none of your disgusting fire - or do you think the Creator of all that is would be as simple-minded and cruel as yourself, OP?)
A god that would torture people for eternity - now that is a monster.
A god who saves everyone would not be one worth worshipping
Princess Celestia: the equine analogue of Shinto's Sun Goddess Amaterasu & Kwannon: the Goddess of Mercy . Thus she is Omnibenevolent .
A far cry from your so-called 'deity' who - certainly in the OT - is infinitely worse than the Chaos god Khorne in "Warhammer 40,000".
Hosea 13:16? Khorne would not approve: as he forbids the slaughter of the defenceless , what does that say about your belie fs: certainly worship of a Hitler-esque monster ?
'Not worth worshipping', you say? Better not go on 4chan's /mlp/ after today: 'Sun-Day' worship of Princess Celestia; basking in her warm radiance, and Praising the Sun. [/Amun-Ra/the 'Aten']
So you admit your version of YHVH is the REAL Devil.
You know; Plenty of Universalists do believe in Inferno, they just see it as temporary.
Seeing as how one of the most common defenses of Hell is that humans have no right to judge God, if God did save everyone, he would still be just and you would, by your own logic, have to deal with it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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