It's only in recent times that the claim has been made that homosexuality is an inborn, genetic thing; if this were the case, why did earlier generations not make the claim?
I'm beginning to think it's the level of synthetic estrogen we use to make good ol' plastics and birth control pills more than some Satanic agenda.
I won't be like zeal4thelord and say my theory is one-size-fits-all, but just a few factors that are pushing the envelope.
And I'm also willing to admit there are some gay people out there who wouldn't make me feel uncomfortable. I just wish I'd had the chance to meet them.
I suppose I should toss that idea in the forum.
Yeah?, how come the geneticists back when the bible was written didn't know it, ehh? You guys are just making stuff up to support your evil pinko gay agenda. Surely at least some of the geneticists over the last two thousand years would have documented this much earlier? [/sarcasm]
Why didn't earlier generations not make this claim?
For the same fucking reason that people used to think the earth was flat, retard.
a) We've only just begun to understand genetics.
b) Because of people like you who think "sex is a filthy disgusting thing to be saved for the person you love", any research into or even scientific discussion of human sexuality was a taboo topic. And that was even for "normal" sexual behavior, not homosexuality.
c) Most gay people probably would have said "this is what I am; it's not something I chose", but they couldn't say that publicly, again because of the attitudes of people just like you.
Genetics as a separate field of science didn't exist until a little over a century ago.
Molecular genetics is only about seventy years old.
The idea that human behavior is heavily influenced by genetics is even newer than that.
tl;dr version: because SCIENCE, bitches.
They did, they just didn't have the biological details.
"There's something wrong with him"
"She's different"
"He prefers the company of men 'wink'"
"He's a queer sort"
"We all know what you think Smithers"
Oh, I dunno. Maybe it's that earlier generations didn't even have the concept of genetics, or of serious unbiased sexuality research? Yeah, that could be it.
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