A certain clique of Darwinists seems intent on waging a religious war in the name of the Church of Darwin, fueled by the same kind of fear and paranoia that struck Christiandom in the 19th Century when blindsided by Darwins original "dangerous idea." Except this time around, it's the Darwinists who are ready to burn books and excommunicate scientists they disagree with.
Well, see, "science" is a defined term, and these scientists you refer to aren't doing work that falls under that definition, so they're not scientists by definition.
Maybe it's because I live in Mississippi, but I have never seen this Church of Darwin I keep hearing about.
We have Baptists, other protestants, Mormons, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and even a Church of Scientology.
I'm pretty sure evolution isn't very popular in my neck of the woods, but I would think that if Scientology would put a church in the poorest state in the union that this mythical Church of Darwin would give it a shot...
Jesus Christ...its really a small fucking wonder that the USA is the laughingstock of the world right now. We have whole droves of people like this ignoring scientific FACT because it contradicts a thousands of years old fairy tale.
Its like they know its the 21st century, but really kind of prefer the days when doctors amputated a leg when it broke.
I have never seen a Church of Darwin, and I live in Britain.
Conversely, I visited Westminster Abbey recently, and among the various memorials there was one to Charles Darwin. Interesting, that.
"A certain clique of Darwinists seems intent on waging a religious war in the name of the Church of Darwin, fueled by the same kind of fear and paranoia that struck Christiandom in the 19th Century when blindsided by Darwins original "dangerous idea."
Where's this "Church of Darwin" at exactly? I might actually join that one.
"Except this time around, it's the Darwinists who are ready to burn books and excommunicate scientists they disagree with."
When was the last time you saw anyone educated enough to read a book actually burn one? Scientists, by the way, aren't "excommunicated" because someone disagrees with them. They're simply expected to act like a reasonable adult and provide evidence for their position. If they can't do that then they're expected to shut up about it, get to the lab and actually find something that supports them.
The scientific community doesn't "excommunicate" scientists it disagrees with.
They "excommunicate" Creationists who wouldn't know how to use the scientific method if it came with a picture-book user's manual.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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