A little link for someone in this thread (who shall remain clueless):
Question: Are there any members of the Repubican Party - least of all the GOP - who are avowed Atheists...?
...but then, I guess seeing as the Bible itself doesn't condemn paedophilia...!
(^ Subconscious honesty in advertising, anyone...?!)
Seems that the Catholic Church isn't the only religion guilty of that which is infinitely worse than 'Sin'; indeed, that which today can definitely be referred to as 'The love that dare not speak it's name' - certainly in all decent, civilised countries based on democratic Rule of Law (which so many right-wing fundies are so opposed to, seeing as it stops their own Islamist Sharia-based Worldwide Caliphate-esque fundie Dominionist agenda). Now, in which book does it say 'Judge not, lest ye be judged'? Also (in the same book) who was it that said 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone'...?
Therefore all right-wing Fundamentalist Christians - Without Exception - have absolutely no right whatsoever to have an 'opinion' about anything, least of all the legal activities of LGBT people; as in that done in private by those who are consenting adults.
So, to said someone in this thread (who shall remain clueless), I say this: the first link destroys not only the LCGOP's, but your argument, it gives we on FSTDT (and anyone not having the LCGOP - or the Teabagger GOP as a whole's insane fundie-based mindset) every right in the world to say what we like about this and every other thing the likes of them say, do & think, but point the finger at them, all of whom who are with sin (and have committed every one in the world, and continue to, regardless of them claiming to be 'Saved'), shout 'J'accuse!' and throw (verbal) stones at them. After all, if they don't want us to criticise them and what they say, do & think, they should just STFU and not have an opinion about anything in perpetuity. The phrase 'Those who don't want their beliefs laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs' exists for a reason. Otherwise, expect to take the slings & arrows of outrageous fortune, and hopefully learn from the mistakes of even thinking about thinking of saying such, and alter your thinking, certainly your beliefs' doctrine & that such is based on, so as to not be criticised about such in the first place.
That's why the phrase 'Political Correctness', and the words 'Tact' & 'Diplomacy' exist too. Not exactly words in the lexicon of the right-winger**, though; but then, if they were sufficiently educated, they would know of the concepts these words represent, therefore they wouldn't be right-wingers in the first place.
...oh, and what's the 'big deal'? Re. that said by Arctic Knight (and to reiterate what I've stated here):
Hitler hated homosexuals. Hitler was a Christian (a devout Catholic; remember that first link, and the second one. Two words: Paedophile Priests). Hitler was a right-winger. [/Reverse Godwin]
...oh, and does the word 'Lebensborn' ring any bells...? The Catholic Hitler - like said Protestant fundies in the US today - was rabidly 'pro-Life' too. [/Reverse Godwin II]
"Forcing them to take pledges is a total disgrace for the USA. It's also an admission of failure for the Laurens County Republican Party. The very fact that they feel they have resort to this measure demonstrates what bad shape they must be in."
And as for the dead bottom-feeders they've dredged up to go up against Obama later this year (and their own hypocrisies/skeletons in cupboards etc; and who knows more besides...?!) then not only the GOP but the Repubican Party as a whole are in an infinitely worse state than even we can possibly imagine. After all, post-'Super Tuesday', although Romney had won more of those states, even his popularity rating at that time was lower than Obama's.
The way things are going, whoever gets nominated, it's all but in the bag for the current president & his 2nd term. And a 2nd failure - with these candidates & their specific niche electorates - will hopefully result in the Repubicans tearing each other apart, especially a schism forming between the moderates/Religious Right, and thus the Democrats will rule for ever and ever RAmen. >:D
That's Troll/Poe.Nuts4Life all over: reduced to hit-n-run trolling; abandoning (on so many previous occasions) past discussion threads, when the debating heat got too much for her; certainly close to destroying her argument(s)/beliefs if she dared to answer our charges against her 'opinion'-based arguments to our satisfaction. And it's so telling when she concentrates on certain things (that have absolutely no relevance to her whatsoever), including that issue which she's obsessed about...!
Now dearie, would you point out on the doll where the nasty Homosexual Agenda touched you...?
*- I refer you to the names Lou Beres, Howard Scott Heldreth, Dennis L. Rader, Nicholas Morency, Mike Hintz, Beverly Russell, Robert Bauman, Stephen White, Earl “Butch” Kimmerling (his nickname? Oh, teh irony, in his case!), John Allen Burt, Mark Harris, Steve Aiken, and Richard A. Dasen Sr. in particular. I guess that's why right-wing Christianity is so appealing to certain types, seeing as paedophilia isn't condemned in the Bible. And why certain people are anti-abortion: less babies born = less kids for them to abuse.
'Suffer little children' indeed.
**- Nor another word: 'Morals'. Ergo, another word that's an alien concept to all right-wing Fundamentalist Christians (and to reiterate what Arctic Knight says): 'Hypocrisy'.