This book is about a lot of things really, but the focus is on how genesis is truth that God did create everything. and how evolution has changed the world view of creation and taking God out of the picture! It is very good at showing that evolution is really a religion and that no matter what the "facts" show they will never believe the truth in Genesis 1-11.
There are many,many stories about him speaking at schools, and university's, even churches Where Kids and adults were shown a whole other side of creation verses evolution. Very Informative! This book is very important with kids being taught evolution in schools, national geographic, and most of T.V. and science in general. The Great Dinosaurs would be another addition to this book, as we have always heard "65,000,000" years ago the Dinosaurs Died off! That is not true at all! Check it out, very good!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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