Incel Wiki #fundie
The heightpill is one of the most important phenomena in looks theory. Originating from the biologically needs of femoids, it concludes that manlets (men under 5 foot 10) are heavily disadvantaged in dating unless they’re at least Chads or have high status. For the depraved female species, the manlet cutoff might as well be under 6 foot even, thanks to hypergamy.
From the evolutionary psychological overview, foids would want a tall man because they’ll think “he’ll be stronger and better able to ward off physical treats to his family” [1]. While in modern society this might not necessarily be true, we all know that the natural instincts of women are still prevalent in their mating choices. No matter how much manlets gymcel, they’ll always be viewed as “overcompensating” wimps with a napoleon complex. It never even began for them!
Tallfaggot advantage in online dating
Stating your height in an online dating could fuck you over badly if you’re a manlet. According to a particular dating app, firstmet, the ideal height related to most matches in males was 6’2” Specifically, they said:
“A man who is 6’2? is 17% more likely to be contacted than a man of average height (5’8?) and 57% more likely to be contacted than a man under 5’5” “ [2].
Female reaction to manlets on social media[edit]
This thread on perfectly summarized how foids react when they see manlets, even the hot ones.
The twitter account ( commonly showed how judge mental women are toward manlets, even being distrustful of their personality or intentions just because they’re vertically disadvantaged.
FHO’s don’t even see us as worthy of any respect.
Manlet disadvantage in dating and even betabuxxing
A marriage is more likely to be successful if the male partner is tall. Women just feel happier about it. Several studies in Asia completely proved this hypothesis [3][4]. If even in not quite hypergamous nations manlets are screwed, then image the horror they have to face in western nations.
A Dutch case
Normies commonly suggest that Europeans, especially the Dutch, became tall due to external factors such as a great supply of nutrients. As we delve deep into evolutionary psychology, we find out that the main reason as to why Dutch men are tall these days is because short Dutch men barely even reproduced. A study which analyzed the number of kids received by men of different heights in the Netherlands concluded that:
“Our results suggest that... taller men have higher fertility compared with shorter men. It therefore seems plausible to suggest that natural selection may have acted on the Dutch population, and helped drive the Dutch toward taller heights” [5].