[One school of thought believed that mankind descended from ape, according to evolutionists. The ego-centric far liberal left whose religion is the idea that mankind evolved billions of years.]
Evolution is not a political ideology! It is not dogma--it is a scientific theory based on tested, repeatable observations.
(This is a great example of why we need the separation of church and state.)
[The leftist claimed that they are liberal and tolerant, yet are frightened, paranoid at the idea of permitting another school of thought that believed that God created the universe in six days
Frightened? Paranoid? Interesting choice of words.
You are entitled to your beliefs. Nobody (left, right, or otherwise) has tried to deny them from you.
However, if you insist on foisting your beliefs on others, you'd best be prepared to defend them.
they use force, violence to perpetuate their falsehood, that is not rational,or logical.]
Care to provide examples of such behavior?
For example: creationists are responsible for the dark ages.
[Why are they paranoid,it is because the foundation that man evolved from ape is fraudulent and despicable and illogical. Their argument and logics when put under the scrutiny of microscope, the lies, hypocrisies is apparent for all to see.]
Fraudulent? Illogical? Hipocrisy?
I’m sure you’ve got specific examples to support your assertions, right?
Evolution HAS been put “under the microscope”. It’s been tested, and it’s passed every time.
However, now that you’re crowing about logic and scrutiny, you won’t complain if we do the same with Creationism, will you?
[They created a make belief by repeating lies while surpressing the fact of intelligent design, and creation which is far more logical, and rationale.]
Intelligent design had its day in court. It disintegrated completely upon the slightest critical analysis.
By contrast, Evolution has withstood 150 years of contention, and it’s still going strong.