MaryAnn H. says:
Yes, there is a woman (unless she has already died) waiting in a hospital to die with her unborn, badly malformed fetus who can not have a legal abortion. The doctors all concur that the fetus can not survive but they are prohibited from aborting it to save her life. So all these fine religious folks will stand around proclaiming "god's will" and watch her die.
They said the same thing about Helen Keller who has enriched the lives of so many--ever hear of her? Nah. You probably emigrated from Nazi Europe & thought she was euthenasized. Also, that lady can take a short ambulance ride to another meat market where they'll make dog food out of the baby.
Just ask yourself one question. As a man, as a real man, how much choice do you have? Who gave you that choice and who took it away?
Who invented the solo tango - was it for your good.
First of all, Helen Keller was never a "badly malformed fetus" and never posed a threat to her mother's health. Her blindness and deafness were acquired as a child.
Secondly, Europe is not, in any meaningful sense, controlled by Nazis. Nazis were also not notorious for their love of abortions, at least not voluntary ones.
Thirdly, ambulances are in the business of taking one to the hospital, not away.
Fourthly, there is not a single "meat market" in the world that will perform an abortion on a woman and sell the fetus - not a baby - for dog food or any other kind of food. Even if there were, it would be ridiculously unsafe compared to a sterile operating theater.
Fifthly, you are a lying liar who lies. Your opinion is of no merit and you have obviously not taken even a single second to analyze your own beliefs and "knowledge". You are wrong, and you should feel bad.
Madman, google it.
or if that's too hard. Read it.
There's three accounts in any lecture normally. Tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them, and then tell them what you just told them.
In the army its; show them, get them to do it, then, get them to teach it.
Huge difference between Helen Keller, who lived a full life, and a badly malformed fetus that has no chance at all, wouldn't you say?
And I didn't realize you could get a doctorate in assholery.
So abortions are now in dog food? What are they labeled as, the mysterious "meat byproducts." Because I've never seen "human abortion" on a can of dog food. And I've read a lot of dog food labels in my day.
Anyway, way to miss the ENTIRE point, "Doctor Michael J Olivieri," and spew some grade A mealy mouthed drivel. Pretty sure that Helen Keller wasn't a badly malformed fetus that died before birth... Just a guess, though.
They said the same thing about Helen Keller who has enriched the lives of so many--ever hear of her? Nah.
If you heard of her, you apparently didn't hear much. Helen Keller didn't have a serious birth defect. She was born with normal sight and hearing. She lost it as a young child due to disease.
1) The Nazis have no control of Europe and haven't for over seventy years.
2) The Nazis hated abortion.
3) Make up your mind, is Europe Socialist or Fascist? Because it's impossible to be both.
4) Helen Keller was never a deformed foetus.
5) The whole point of the post was that no-one can perform an abortion on her because it's illegal.
Totally false equivalent.
Helen Keller's birth didn't threaten the life of her mother, but if it had, her mother should have had the right to save her own life.
Sadly, there are religiously affiliated hospitals that today would let a woman bleed out and die in their ER rather than perform an medically necessary abortion.
They'd rather wait until the kid's family applies for welfare and food stamps to kill it.
I have a secret desire for hot, sweaty man-love. Well, it's not so secret really, my priest knows about it.
Kill all nigger monkeys and sodomite faggots!
That is, all nigger monkeys and sodomite faggots who won't pay me to suck their cocks.
Reading comprehension: 0
non sequitur Godwin: 11
"They said the same thing about Helen Keller"
No. They didn't say the same thing about Helen Keller, because she was born in 1880, and they had no way to tell! Also deafblind is not "badly malformed", cyclopia is "badly malformed".
"ever hear of her?"
Yes. Did you know she was a socialist, labor activist and feminist?
"You probably emigrated from Nazi Europe
Man that would be a very old person, oh wait, you're saying contemporary Europe is Nazi?
"& thought she was euthenasized"
I guess you mean euthanized? Btw, "euthanasia" now commonly means to get help dying to avoid a painful death, the other thing we call murder.
"Also, that lady can take a short ambulance ride to another meat market where they'll make dog food out of the baby."
He's not even answering the question now.
To all you imposters, go to hell.
You can only come to know Christ through good works and eating and drinking the flesh and blood of The Lord.
I sometimes wear women's underwear, ooooh!
What about that Irish woman who died a few months ago when the hospital could not legally remove her already-dead fetus from her uterus? Neither mother nor baby is now alive; how was the world enriched by that terrible and senseless loss of life?
Also, Helen Keller did not die in the womb and/or cause the death of her mother, so I have no idea what relevance she has to this particular example.
What the fuck?
...Women actually do die from the situation you described in the first paragraph. If Helen Keller's mother had been in that situation, abortion would have been the right choice. Of course, that was not the case, and the whole argument is pure bullshit.
You could just as easily talk about pro-lifers refusing to abort Hitler.
You know what pisses me off most about you Phillip-George impostors? You're a lot less entertaining than the real thing. I mean look...
Fake PG: "Abortion is the work of EVIL Freemasons who eat babies!"
Basically the same FSTDT-style content we've been seeing since this site began. Nothing original, doesn't even resemble PG's style. Yawn.
Real PG: "Who invented the solo tango - was it for your good."
Now that's the stuff! (Hostess!) One of PG's classic posts, where we have an inkling of where he was coming from (in this case, the reference is to the saying "it takes two to tango"), but any actual connection to what is being discussed (abortion) is wholly absent. It ALMOST makes sense, in that you can at least sense that there was some thought going on, but try turning it into an actual argument of some sort and you might as well try running up a glass wall. This is gourmet FSTDT, folks, without even costing us the time it takes to submit the quote. And you're ruining the experience with your half-assed attempts at impersonation!
Not to mention the fact that since PG started logging back in again, there's really no point in trying; you're not fooling anyone.
To all those narcissistic "dickheads" out there, this is not a religious issue; it's simply an example of natural law and unfortunately many in society no longer recognizes it, because the individual
can no longer be trifled w/ a pregnancy no matter how many sexual partners they have. If there is a doctor out there, it would be interesting on further QUALIFIED comments. Have you ever wondered why there are virtually NO MDs doing late term abortions? Before you give such ghastly responses, why don't you stick your beak near the delivery canal as the baby's head is crushed & brains sucked out; then let's hear back from you. A bit hypocritically on my part, but I'm glad that this crowd is so in favor of abortion. Darwin would be correct in predicting the extinction of the above trait of hedonistic people--much the same way as the Neanderthals. Bye primates.
@MJO: the individual can no longer be trifled w/ a pregnancy no matter how many sexual partners they have
I'm sorry, did you miss the bit where the OP MaryAnn H. was talking about cases where the choice is a) abortion, and the mother lives or b) no abortion, and mother and child die?
"They said the same thing about Helen Keller"
No, they didn't. There's a difference between eugenic rhetoric and an *actual medical opinion* that says a baby isn't going to survive.
"individual can no longer be trifled with a pregnancy no matter how many partners they have"
Fucking well right. Just like we can no longer be bothered with diseases, infections, injuries, or other conditions we now have treatments for. It's called progress.
Almost no doctors in the US (I think we're down to two or three) perform medically necessary late-term abortions because they are afraid of being murdered by religious nutjob idiots who place no value on the lives of baby-machines, er, women. Ever hear of Dr. Tiller? He wasn't the only one to be murdered for saving the lives of women and girls LEGALLY.
Yes, it's sad when a late-term fetus has to be aborted, and not pretty, but contrary to the lies of fundies, if a mother needs to have her fetus removed for health reasons and it's developed enough to be viable, it's taken care of in FICU, not "murdered".
The late-terma abortion method you write of in melodramatic terms is only used when the health of the mother is fragile and the fetus is non-viable, because it's minimally invasive and thus poses less risk to the mother. The fetus anesthetized just in case, and does not experience pain or suffering in the process, no matter how many lies you fundies tell of "babies" suffering from abortions.
Assuming that you are MJO and not just a troll...
it's simply an example of natural law and unfortunately many in society no longer recognizes it, because the individual
can no longer be trifled w/ a pregnancy no matter how many sexual partners they have.
So... by this logic we should go back to the days when about 10% of women died in childbirth? This is what "natural law" dictated before modern medical care.
Really? You want that?
Incredible. MJO keeps up his rant even though he got caught with his multiple errors. He gets caught having manufactured facts, so he has a full-blown hissy fit and storms off. I hope he is a retired physician. The thought of him actually treating patients is scary.
MJO to a unfortunate woman patient: Hey lady! I'm a practicing physician, but unfortunately for you, I practice Bible Medicine and you're just out of luck. I think that women are second class citizens and shouldn't have a freedom of choice, particularly because I have the freedom of choice not to treat you. Take a short ambulance ride to the nearest meat market to have your baby ground up into dog food. Yes, I did graduate medical school. Why, I graduated with honor from the Josef Mengele School of Medicine in Asunción, Paraguay.
MJO: You are no doctor. A doctor could at least spell correctly, you can't even do that.
Also, you know fuck-all about Helen Keller, whose mother had a nice uneventful pregnancy and was born without any disabilities. In fact, she was doing very well and was quite healthy until he came down with an illness at 19 months. That was when she lost her hearing and sight.
You are the standard, poorly informed fuckwit fundy.
Also, pretending to be a doctor is illegal, asshole.
"That woman will die if she carries that baby to term."
"Yeah, well you're a NAZI who would have aborted Helen Keller! Demon! Evil! Satanist!"
That's totally not sidestepping the question. Not at all.
Incredible. MJO keeps up his rant even though he got caught with his multiple errors. He gets caught having manufactured facts, so he has a full-blown hissy fit and storms off. I hope he is a retired physician. The thought of him actually treating patients is scary.
MJO to a unfortunate woman patient: Hey lady! I'm a practicing physician, but unfortunately for you, I practice Bible Medicine and you're just out of luck. I think that women are second class citizens and shouldn't have a freedom of choice, particularly because I have the freedom of choice not to treat you. Take a short ambulance ride to the nearest meat market to have your baby ground up into dog food. Yes, I did graduate medical school. Why, I graduated with honor from the Josef Mengele School of Medicine in Asunción, Paraguay.
I like doing the solo tango. I really don't have much choice actually.
I'm a fan of P.G, I also like cryptic crosswords.
It is a boon, observing after so little a while, how many people want to be me or like me. You all have more going for you than you previously realized.
I'm thinking of initiating an honorary me award.
*points gun*
"Which Phillip is the real one!?"
Does it really matter? You've got more than enough bullets in the magazine (hell, cylinder even) to dispose of all of them, don't you? *smirk*
They are all the imposters, I'm clearly the real DOCTOR DOOM! I mean PG!
Da Bible is right cause the Bible said its right!
"Also, that lady can take a short ambulance ride to another meat market where they'll make dog food out of the baby. "
People that make meat from people jokes disgust me. With the rest of your sentnce, you aren't helping.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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