Isobel Mitton #racist

Tansy Huang No. It is actually fair that you step aside for a Black or Hispanic candidate despite you working harder or studying harder.I completely approve this way of making admissions...Sorry to tell you this, but I feel that I can since I do work in Asia a lot. ASIAN CULTURE IS THE SAME.IT HAS NO DIVERSITY. THE DIFFERENCES ARE JUST TWEAKS HERE AND THERE. INDIANS FROM INDIA COLONIZED ALL ASIANS. THEY BROUGHT WITH THEM THEIR RELIGION AND WAY OF LOOKING AT LIFE. That stuff is still in use in the whole of ASIA. HOW ELSE DO YOU ACCOUNT FOR HOW WOMEN ARE TREATED BY ALL ASIAN CULTURES?? Now, if you are talking about Africans, then yes, I will say that Africans are extremely diverse. Their cultures have nothing to do with the other. That is why they go to war so often. BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER.



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