BlackLieutenant #fundie
First, men and women don't naturally have the same interests.
Then, if we have, and if both parties "click", they will want to grow into something more, romantically, sexually etc...
As a man, I become friends with other men by "default", but with women, it's because there's a problem : she has a boyfriend, she's too ugly, something is wrong in her personality etc...
If there's attraction mentally and physically, it's hard to pretend to be "friends" and to keep it that way.
Personally I don't have a lot of females friends, as it grows generally romantically. The women I'm friend with are mostly "women not attractive enough to grow romantic interest" or my exes.
And to remain "friend" with a woman I find attractive feels like to remain in a state of constant failure or being a loser. Men don't like that.
Even if I make an effort to remain "friend", the hypocrisy and bottled-up sexual attraction/seduction in not healthy at all.
If your male friends are friend with you, it's because they are attracted to you already, to your personality at least. Some of them probably find you also physically attractive.
If you're still friend with some of them, its because
- you (or they) already have a partner,
- you don't find them (or they don't find you) attractive enough
Otherwise, it's hard to understand why a single male and single female attracted to each other, mentally and physically, wouldn't hook up (or try to).
This male-female friendship thing is very new, very Western, and very unrealistic. Friendship are supposed to be platonic, which is natural and easier with same-sex (heterosexual) people. If a male and a female are friend (therefore platonic), it logically means something is wrong in their mutual attraction.
Men, women can be friends, but should they?
All men like to have their "ugly" female friend they can talk to, without feeling the pressure to "conquer" or "seduce".