No Debating
Teens-4-Christ is not a 'debate' site. You will not change our minds, do not try. A quick read of Romans 1 will show that those who debate are in the company of adulterers, sodomites and murderers. Therefore, debating will not be allowed.
Sorry Randy! I guess it is embarrassing to be exposed as a brainless twit in debates with the very people you tell your followers to look down on! However this is standard fundie (and right wing political procedure), if you are losing a debate, start with the personal insults and run away, then claim victory from a safe distance! (Hey it works for Rush, Ann Coulter, and Babble O'Reilly).
You will not change our minds, do not try. "Fundie in a nutshell" award.
1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents.
But the list is so long and vague that I don't think that anyone ISN'T on it.
Except possibly Bro. Randy.
He's perfect. and soooo sexy. :)
"Teens-4-Christ is not a 'debate' site. You will not change our minds, do not try."
Sorry, I got a moral obligation to try.
"A quick read of Romans 1 will show that those who debate are in the company of adulterers, sodomites and murderers."
Sounds like good company. At least as long as those murders are committed within Halo or something.
As for the Romans 1 reference...couldn't find a word about debating anything. Not even a side note in the Skeptic's Annotated version.
"Therefore, debating will not be allowed."
I'm right, and we're not debating this so you can't see that I'm full of shit.
Repost. Once again, "debate" meant something a lot stronger in 1611 than it means today. If the Bro is going to insist on using the KJV, at least he should take the trouble to learn the 17th century English it was written in. More modern translations show the word as "strife".
Jesus debated (in the modern sense) the Pharisees, priests and scribes all the time, sometimes quite cleverly - See Luke 20:19-26. I suppose he may have been in the company of adulterers, sodomites and murderers - unlike the Bro, he preached to sinners, not his own disciples - but not in the sense the Bro means it.
Isn't this like the third time this has been submitted? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's astonishingly fundie, but not new.
So tired of this one. So, so tired. Almost enough to make me unsubscribe from the feed. Seriously, Yahweh, or whomever, stop letting this one through.
I nominate this quote for the "So Asinine it Bears Repeating, and Repeating, and Repeating, and Repeating..." Award
I think that these website is rather a type of Stalin-type monument to adulate themselves and self-indulge in their own beliefs trying not to bother with their inconsistencies(does he really think that Hugo Chávez is training muslims to look like Mexican?, would he be able to hold it in a public meeting with, say, Al Gore or even Chenney?). Let´s put aside the fact that Jesus and his disciples debated ALL THE TIME. What I find hypocritical and pretencious is the fact that, because in wikipedia they rejected his claims to use the forum as "source" for Catholicism, he blames the site of bias and intolerance. And he doesn´t know how to debate either. Now, why so many double standards?, if you don´t want to be in the company of sinners, like Jesus was, don´t expect it from the other people towards you. Be consequent.
In the company of adulturers, sodomites, and murderers? Yes, I've probably had the company of a few adulturers and sodomites from time to time, but I'm pretty sure I've never met a real live murderer.
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"those who debate are in the company of adulterers, sodomites and murderers"
Having watched the recent presidential debates, I think Brother Randy can suck my penne'.
He is refering to:
Romans 1:29 (KJV): Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate , deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Or rather...
Romans 1:29 (New Living Translation): Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip.
Oh look. Quarreling is kinda different from debate now, isn't it? Funny how language shifts over a few hundred years.
Stupid KJV.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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