Dear post-Christian Iniquitous Gutter Republic:
You aren’t repenting, and thus God cannot extend His mercy to you. To not be sorry, and to not do penance – real penance, not just giving up chocolate – and thus to do nothing to stop the sins and offenses against God, indicates that you A.) don’t believe that that your sins are sins, and/or B.) if you do actually realize they are sins, you just don’t care that you are offending God. Either way, you, by your ongoing failure to repent and do anything to stop the unprecedented offenses against God, are telling Him in no uncertain terms that His Mercy is neither required or desired. And so shall it be.
Isn't God supposed to be infinitely merciful ? If so there is literally nothing that could cause said mercy to be withheld.
Hmm, oh well, that problem of conflicting infinities thing bites you again.
Ann, like so many Christians, you keep messing up the whole mote-beam issue. Despite repeated biblical injunctions not to, you repeatedly assert:
* you, and nobody else, knows the mind of gob
* you know who and why gob forgives
* you know what gob regards as a sin
You have committed the sin of hubris. You should contact your religious advisor and inform him (because I understand that, the Christian tradition, women are not permitted to teach) that you have most grievously sinned and will going to hell.
A.) don’t believe that that your sins are sins
Boom! You nailed it on the first try. Yes, the whole concept of 'sin' is stupid. Your supposedly benevolent god doesn't really about things like slavery or the slaughter of babies, but he apparently gets deeply offended when people use their private parts the wrong way. These are either a set of rules laid out by primitive men to maintain the power of kings/priests, or your god is an asshole. Either way, they're crap.
Dear pompous, $hitheaded a$$hat:
A. I don't believe in sin, God, Jesus or your thinking ability.
B. See A.
Chocolate? God hates Chocolate ?
I don't give a shit, but what about Good&Plenty? I might be in trouble there.
Licorice. Mmmmm <Homer>
So you're saying that we're telling him his mercy is neither required nor desired? "And so shall it be."?
God's become obsolete, apparently.
Ya know, Ann, considering all the crap your sky pixie is supposedly responsible for, you should pray for his sake that he doesn't exist, because if he does, he will be the one to require our mercy as soon as we figure a way to go Salvation War on his geriatric arse.
Ah! So Bible God does what Bible God does best. Second only to non-existing, His other major talent is to threaten. His preferred method of delivering His threats is through seriously mentally ill people. Being a jerk is also high on His list of attributes,
God made us knowing that we would sin. And now he expects us to ask for his forgiveness for doing exactly what he knew we would do?
What kind of psychotic parent would set their child up for failure like that?
No thanks.
America is iniquitous for extending equality. First, let's congratulate her for using a big word and knowing what it means. Second, let's deny her her cookie for this contradiction.
Now to business. It's not like we need His "grace and mercy" anyways.
Sin is a construct of the was designed to control people (especially women, because *sarcasm starts here* after all, it was Eve who took the fruit, thus catalyzing the fall and so women must be kept on a TIGHT leash lest it happen again *sarcasm ends here*) while concocting a convenient excuse for the higher-ups to avoid taking responsibility. In answer is A. Thank you for reading.
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