I think it is a crying shame. Israel (and the United States) should do everything possible to evict the squatters [Muslims] from the land God promised to His people.
Well, personally, if someone "promised" me something, then failed to actually deliver it, I don't think I would take any of their "promises" seriously anymore.
I mean, come on. If God can't follow through on his promises, he ain't much of a god, is he?
Sorry, "Bro." Randy, but the Muslims believe the land was promised to them. Study the matter and you'll find that the two religions disagree about which son received the birthright. And both have equally valid arguements.
dykitty -- There's so much competition for Biggest Idiot on the Planet. Bro. R., Dobson, Pat Robertson, they're all in the leading group.
Hadanelith -- Might be retarded? The conclusive evidence of Bro. Randy's lack of I.Q. has been in for quite some time.
To prove that ANYBODY owns a God-given deed to the land, first prove that God exists, and THEN provide some evidence of Israel's claim on the land through him. If you can't do that, there's no point in arguing over whose scripture can beat up the other.
~David D.G.
"I think it is a crying shame. Palestine (and the rest of the Middle East) should do everything possible to evict the squatters [Israelis] from the land Allah promised to His people."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why neither side is going to stop massacring the other until there's only one guy left and he'll have a gigantic, cratered wasteland incapable of supporting human life to have all for himself in the name of whichever god he happens to believe in. I'm sure he'll then bow down and give thanks to his respective deity for allowing him finally to fulfil prophecy and live in that shellholed pile of concrete rubble.
Randy - you're quite simply a momentous fuckwit!
Help us out here with what you're trying to say, is it:
A. God reneged on his promise?
B. God is not onmipotent (as clearly demonstated in the Old Testament, and oddly New Testament claims about moving mountains on faith - well none of that ever happened)
C. I'm retarded and I hate muslims and I need help.
D. All of the above.
Oh and I'm not sure where the hell you live, but I doubt it's Jerusalem, so I hope the local God evicts your fatuous ass for squatting post haste!
The modern nation of Israel was created after World War II as a place for the Jews to have because there were too many dumbfucks in Europe who didn't want them there (and, after the experiences they had in the Reich, I can't imagine they'd really want to stay anyway). The Muslims who were already there at the time weren't too pleased by this. If anyone's playing the role of squatter, it's Israel. But it doesn't really matter anyway; no matter how the situation started, they're going to just have to learn to live with each other.
But really, I got this I.O.U. from god! He said this is MY land!
As for bro. randy, Israeli Jews have LESS claim to Israel that you do to that hunk of land you're sitting on. Remember those American Indian "Squatters"? People find arrowheads all over the United States, they don't find crucifix's.
Um.... the Muslim God promised the land to them too.
How come nobody could just.... you know, share the land? Why the hate? We all have the same God, basically.
And if that is so, why aren't you kicking out Jews (or Christians, if you happen to be Jewish) as well? Are they technically "Squatting in the land God promised to His people"?
I think it is a crying shame, that Israel and Palestine still can't work out an agreement so that BOTH sides are happy, BOTH sides have sufficient land to live prosperously and grow, and so that BOTH sides can finally get along and live together in peace.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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