Count Dracula wore a cape, too.
What is it with this boner for Fascism, these days? Is it due to the fact that "sex drugs and rock & roll" is no longer shocking or that purple mohawks and pierced neither-regions are *meh*?
Why can't they play a computer game or come up with a goofy fad like Pogs or Pet Rocks like normal young people?....
...."ME SO EDGY!"
Hopefully; Much of this big "Fascism/Alt-Right/Misogynosphere" stuff is just a bunch of dorks being "rebellious" and that many will eventually get sick of it.
I refuse to believe that there could be that many genuine Antisocials being born. Is there something in the water causing human brains to lack empathy-centers?
It's like they get drilled into their heads their entire lives the message, "Fascism/Nazis/Bigotry/Hardcore Misogyny is awful as hell" and then go, "Who cares? I want to be a jerk!".
I think this is the reasoning behind all of these supposedly-Lefty celebrities/New-Left/Flowerkid/Freak types who become raving wingnuts as they grow older. It wasn't about caring about actual politics or a cause, nor is it vindicating was about being "rebellious for rebellion's sake".
Most of these Alt-Right dorks are Gen-Xers and Millennial. They grew up in a world that was all about "Political Correctness/'Captain Planet'/Bigotry Is Bad/'Free To Be You & Me'/Diversity is awesome" stuff (or at least paid lip-service to it). Being a wingnut to these clowns is the equivalent of becoming one of the "Beat Generation" in 1950s America. If society is really "Righty", go "Lefty". "Lefty", go "Righty".
They don't get it. Rebellion should have a much deeper meaning Weird Al in "Kurt Cobain" mode put it...."Boy! This oughta bug yer parents!".
Sure! For many; This is genuine and the beliefs are genuine but I'll bet for many, it's about "rebellion" and "being cool and edgy".
These idiots think being an evil Fascist....
....Makes them look like this.
....they really look more like this.