Commenting on the posting of an article entitled "Charade Dishonors Saint Patrick and Parade":
gays are taking over all parades. They love parades because they like to be ridiculously flamboyant and ostentatious. They like acting like and looking like freaks. They want everyone to see and be okay with it. Most people and children laugh when they see them -- and I guess they like to be laughed at. They try to outdo each other with ridiculous costumes...the more disgusting, the better they like it. LOOK AT MEEEE...I AM GAY. Blech.
First, St. Patrick doesn't deserve to be honored. He was responsible for bringing a religious system to Ireland that resulted in the attempted destruction of native pre-christian beliefs and the slaughter of Celts who refused to convert.
Second, the observance of 'his' day is not even culturally significant anymore, and in the US it isn't celebrated only by us Irish. It's an excuse to get drunk. We don't need St. Paddy's day for that.
Third, fuck you for being a homophobe and an asshole.
I doubt anyone has ever voluntarily taken part in a parade of any kind who wasn't a bit of a show-off.
As to whether St. Patrick ever existed or was saintly-- that doesn't matter. The whole thing is just a transparent Christian-washing of equinoctal hoopla.
Commenting on the posting of an article entitled "Charade Dishonors Homosexuality and Parade":
Irish people are taking over all parades. They love parades because they like to be ridiculously flamboyant and ostentatious. They like acting like and looking like freaks. They want everyone to see and be okay with it. Most people and children laugh when they see them -- and I guess they like to be laughed at. They try to outdo each other with ridiculous costumes...the more disgusting, the better they like it. LOOK AT MEEEE...I AM IRISH. Blech.
"gays are taking over all parades"
I can't help but approve of this, after all they do do awesome parades.
"They love parades because they like to be ridiculously flamboyant and ostentatious."
Sure you weren't watching a Tea Party event? Notice you never see a Tea Party parade? Notice right wing marches on whatever always fizzle out? They'll do anything to save their patriotic way of life (yelling) but walk (waddle) a bit.
Oh, well, if YOU find them distasteful or embarrassing, then I'm sure that's enough justification for them to Incarcerated? Eliminated? Forced to live their lives out of sight and sound of other people? Forced to live a lie, marry someone of the opposite sex, and make TWO people's lives a living hell? I'm sure they'll all be glad to do that so they don't upset pearl-clutching church ladies.
I suggest you look around you in church next Sunday. In any medium-sized congregation I'll bet there are individuals who do just that, live a lie out of fear of censure. I don't know which ones, but I'll bet you will go crazy trying to figure out which they are. Aren't you proud of yourself, bringing that much pain and anguish into the lives of others? You deserve the hell to which you are, undoubtedly, bound.
St.Patricks day is a holiday where the Irish celebrate Catholicism and alcohol, two of the three things that are more responsible for Irish misery than anything else in the world(with the third being the English, of course). Any attempt to move away from this tradition is fine by me. Or perhaps you'd like to go back to the old days, where Irishmen were the minority of choice to horrifically abuse on the East Coast?
The song "In The Navy" by The Village People is now playing in your head.
'They love parades because they like to be ridiculously flamboyant and ostentatious.' 'They try to outdo each other with ridiculous costumes'. You said it, I didn't! If one kind of parade is bad, then ALL are: your own logic says so. That tune by The Village People, don't forget...!
...oh, and I'll recognise St. Ratprick's Day, when Ireland & you lot celebrate St. George's Day. [/rant mode off]
Then don't look. You always have the option of turning away or closing your eyes, unless you're Alex.
Why else be in a pride parade unless you're wearing an eye-catching costume? I'd much rather see a beautiful woman in pink marabou feathers & sparkly heels, even if she's a dude, than look at a bunch of fat-assed rednecks waving rebel flags & wearing pointy hoods. Of course, that's when I exercise my choice of turning away.
In other words they're having fun, which, as a zealot, you have to take a stand against. Your life's dull, therefore everyone else's has to be.
*They like acting like and looking like freaks. They want everyone to see and be okay with it. Most people and children laugh when they see them -- and I guess they like to be laughed at."
Are you sure you aren't talking about clowns? I think those were clowns you saw.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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