bill-11b #fundie
[ What do you think of the official changing of Jackson's face on the 20 dollar bill to Harriet Tubman face. ]
It’s bullshit pandering, nothing more.
It disgusts me to see people on the right celebrating as if this is some civil rights glass ceiling we needed to break.
If they’re gonna replace anyone, it should be Lincoln, seeing as he was a tyrannical fuck head anyhow.
[ You’re saying that replacing someone responsible for the trail of tears and the Indian removal act with someone who actually did some good is bullshit pandering? ]
>On our land
>Why wouldn’t we remove them?
I’m so sick of hearing about the poor fucking Indians. Jesus Christ. Maybe if they’d evolved culturally past 400bce they’d still be here and we wouldn’t.
I think you’d be hard pressed to find another nation that’s conquered territory and then carved out spots for the conquered natives to remain autonomous.
Jackson was an American war hero and unlike Lincoln, he didn’t kill 600,000 Americans, and unlike Hamilton, he didn’t support centralized banking, which as we’ve seen has turned into a shit show and allowed the government to keep their boot on our necks financially.
And yes, a black woman, by this president, at this time in history, is absolutely pandering.
[ Cool. So if you conquer a place you have a right to treat the populace however you want? That’s not how that works. You aren’t right just because you won. ]
And yes, actually winning a conflict where you’re specifically trying to conquer new territory does make you right.
I don’t understand why we’re the only people on earth that have to answer for taking of new territory, when we’ve put it to much better use than the people who were living on it previously. Somehow we’re the most humane conquerors in history, save for maybe Cyrus of Persia, and yet we’re expected to answer for every death. Sorry, I won’t apologize for things that happened during a war, 200 years ago.
[ So the Nazis are only wrong because they lost. Got it. I’m not asking anyone alive today to answer for the people that were killed, but the people who did the killing sure as hell are responsible. ]
You’re asking America as a whole to say “we were wrong, so sorry” and change how things work because whiteguilt.exe
Based on your logic, Washington and Jefferson should be kicked off the 1 and 2 dollar bills, because they were slave owners after all, and we can’t have that in our history.
“History is written by the victors.” If the Nazis had won, do you think your history book might be a little different? I do. We wouldn’t know about a great number of their transgressions. And from their point of view, they’d teach that they were the morally righteous group.
Might literally makes right. Unless someone can or will challenge your authority, then saying “you’re wrong” is just whining.
Violence is the root of all authority, and consequently, the reluctance to engage in it, or failure to use it to your own advantage, places you under the authority of someone who can.
Why do you pay taxes? Because you’ll get fined if you don’t. What if you don’t pay the fines? Men with guns will come and find you. What if you don’t go with them voluntarily? They will force you, with lethal force if necessary.
There is no authority without violence, or the threat of it, and consequently, conquered people have no choice but to submit to their conqueror, or fight him to the death
[ Hey Bill. I mean sure, you’re an angry old piss ant who’s angry at the world because you get your rocks off to dead children overseas. But I mean are so fucking dense, so fucking delusional to think that the Native Americans were on OUR land? Oh so just shelling them off their properties, confining them onto small plots of property on the opposite end of the country, landscapes and climates they grew up in is a sense of “entitlement”? The US government killed more Native Americans than they killed protecting their own land, and somehow they’re the fucking problem? I mean do you just gargle with the government’s dick or are you so fucking stupid that you honestly believe any of that was justified? Sure, I mean, since when did you give a shit about human rights? You’re a cranky old has been who spends more of his time pretending his military service makes you some kind of fucking god when really, my friends and family in the military would sooner put a boot up your ass for your sadistic and pathetic excuse for morals. You’re a tool. A racist old windbag who’s beyond his glory years who spends his time pretending to be some just cause on a website filled with people a quarter his age. Now, you see I’m one who prefers to use logic and facts instead of some fucked up bias he learned from watching Alex Jones and Bill O'Rielly, but in this case, I’m willing to make an exception. Because frankly, no one cares about your shitty, cynical world view. In fact, your delusions of grandeur are so misguided you think that people actually respect you just because you were in the military. You’re a disgrace to the uniform and anyone who died protecting the liberties of everyone in this god damned country. You and people like you are the problem with this country. Not Obama, bot MUH Muslims. Nah, just a bunch of has been whiners who hide behind a badge or uniform as if it excused your sorry excuse for an exisance. Get fucked. ]
LOL Wat?
Do you get this pissed at Alexander being called “The Great” since he killed a whole fuckload of people, took their land, and made it his?
It is our land, because they lost it to us. What is so hard to understand about that?
If someone else fought the US, and took over our land, it would cease to be our land, and would be their land.
Would I be happy about that? No. But my choices would be to die fighting for my land or accept my new rulers.
Also, just for giggles, how old do you think I am, exactly?