I honestly believe that you young ladies will never understand the power you have over men through the way you dress. If you even had a slight bit of the smallest clue of the effect you have over a man by they way you dress, there would never be an issue of modesty among ladies who really want to serve God again. I wish I could explain more, but I cannot in mixed company. Just take my word for it.
Bro. Randy Translation: Just trust me, okay, I'm ready to pounce on any pre-pubescent kid that enters my air-space. If you hot little bitches don't want me to plow your tiny pink holes, you'd better stop wearing those sexy turtlenecks!
"I wish I could explain more, but I cannot in mixed company."
A picture is worth a thousand words, so show us a video of what happens after the power of the dress is used. Show it as many times as you have to to get the point across. We don't mind.
Randy, speaking AS a man, let me tell you that you're full of crap. I, and all of the men that I know, have this little thing called self control, and they have respect for other people and their rights. Meanwhile, you're just making excuses for all of the dirty thoughts in your head, and trying to shift the blame to women in case you decide to act on them. Or maybe it's just another attempt to further demonize women. Either way, it's sick.
Now, here is an example where, without the fear of hell, a christian totally would rape little girls. No wonder he thinks atheists must all be evil.
"I wish I could explain more, but I cannot in mixed company."
You can't explain a lot of things, BroR., and, even when you're alone, your company is very mixed.
"Just take my word for it."
There is nothing I would trade you for your word. You word is of no value.
Brother Randy calls to mind one of Ambrose Bierce's characters, who said, "My word, Sir, is worth its weight in gold."
Anyway, I have it on good authority that most men (i) have something called self-control and (ii) aren't pedophiles.
And you´re confirming us that men are like animals who can´t contain their urges and, thus, shouldn´t be in such a high reverence or given any credit in religious terms anyway. Besides, why a power has to be supressed and the man, nonetheless, has to be the head of the house?
And you´re confirming us that men are like animals who can´t contain their urges and, thus, shouldn´t be in such a high reverence or given any credit in religious terms anyway. Besides, why a power has to be supressed and the man, nonetheless, has to be the head of the house?
That puzzles me, too, Matilde. I mean, it took Satan himself to deceive Eve. All Adam seemed to have needed was his naked wife asking him to eat some fruit to convince him to go astray. I've never understood why it's still said that women are more easily led astray.
Randy- just because you get randy (comes with the name, I guess) every time you see a girl in anything less than a burka, doesn't mean that the rest of the population is the same.
I guess your wife isn't that much fun...
Randy, you're a big boy. It's not your teenage followers' faults you get boners over them. There will always be some part of a woman that will attract men, otherwise we wouldn't have a population as large as we do.
Want to stop lusting after your female followers? Have them get a sex change.
OK Randy - there's reasons you're a stupid, salivating, gibbering ball of pus.
Don't blame the ladies.
They are not the reason there's sin in the world so stop trying to peek up Pandora's skirt to see her box.
Misogyny, yay!
Also, just how does he expect his female followers to implement his suggestions if he can't talk about it in 'mixed company'? He wants these kids so pure barely know what sex is, and then he expects the girls to know how to dress to avoid attracting male attention without understanding anything about it.
I know a couple guys who actually get turned on by women in more modest clothing. They tell me that half the fun is thinking about how they'd un- -dress that girl, and having everything already exposed leaves little room for fantasizing. This, of course, doesn't mean they'd rape modestly-dressed girls, even if they did find them attractive.
Remember, Bro. Randy, just because YOU might want to rape every scantily-clad nubile young woman you see doesn't mean the majority of the rest of the male population does, too.
And this guy runs a site targeted at teenagers that bears resemblance to cults? Paedophile!
What next? They're getting too persecuted online, so Randy will establish his own commune for all the teenagers to live in safety? And he'll have to personally check to see if they're virgins?
Whatever the case, this guy is a blight on the human race.
BunyipGirl says:
Does Bro. Randy project much?
and then BunyipGirl says:
Calling Bro Randy a "P....." is not cool. You are accusing him of illegal activities , that's libel.
Am I missing something here?
Rape victim blamer!
I wish I could explain more, but I cannot in mixed company.
What the ... Why, Bro, why?!
Words fail me, since I don't want to my place in heaven in jeopardy by swearing the fuck out of Bro Randy.
Brother Randy always makes me think of Brother Verber, the preacher at the Voice of the Almighty Lord Assembly Hall in author Joan Hess' "Maggody" series of mysteries set in the fictitious Maggody, AK. Brother Verber, a parody of the fundie hypocrite, is constantly looking for evidence of the evils of Satan. His search includes subscribing to various publications that come in brown paper "so he can keep track of what Satan is up to". Liberal use of the sacramental wine comes into it, too.
Hah hah! He wants to talk to them about their power over men, but can't because they're such delicate women? Is he really saying that?! What a hypocrate!
If he believes that girls don't understand the "power [they] have over men through the way [they] dress," how does he justify all that blame-the-rape-victim crap?
Damn straight Dan !
Because all men are complete animals that have no control over themselves.
Except that men are, in reality, not all complete perverts like Bro. Randy.
(Random side note: culture, not amount of clothing, is what matters. Heck, women in remote tribes walk around with virtually nothing on, and it's a complete non-issue. It all has to do with what a culture considers erotic, and it seems like the more you cover it up, the more erotic it becomes.)
Calling Bro Randy a "P....." is not cool. You are accusing him of illegal activities , that's libel.
Technically, if "P....." stands for pedophile you're questionning his sexual orientation. Now calling him a (sexual) predator or a child molester, that would be accusing him of illegal activities. It's a common misuse of the word, but "pedophilia" simply designs a sexual and/or romantic attraction to prepubescent children, not an action or a crime.
Additionally, from what I read many/most pedophiles manage to keep it in their pants and choose abstinence over hurting innocents. By the same token, most child molesters are simply rapists targeting particularly vulnerable/malleable victims, they are not especially attracted to kiddies per se (if Wikipedia and my memory are to be trusted, actual pedophiles make up only about 10% of child rapists).
Sorry for the rant, but the pedophile/child molester confusion tends to send my inner grammar Nazi into a frenzy ^^*
You know I've made a vow never to let my daughter wear skirts once she starts dating. They're too easy to simply hike up, and there you go.
That's why creepy old men like Bro. Randy want girls to dress in skirts. Screw feminity, they just want easy access
So women should be covered from head to toe, because your a compulsive, perverted asshole?
Where have I heard that before.
Girl: My clothes are too small
Bro Randy: BRB
Girl: Aww, I just spilled water all over my blouse :(
Bro Randy: BRB
Girl: I'm going to the water slides in a couple days.
Bro Randy: BRB
Bro Randy: Where?
Mrs. Debbie just isn't doing it for you anymore, huh Randy?
Maybe you should get together with David J. Stewart. He'd understand.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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