Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com
[On ISIS:]
If we don't hit the terrorists where they live, they will kill us where we live. That is the lesson of 9/11. It's the lesson of the latest Paris attacks. It's the lesson of every Islamic terrorist attack.
We can bomb them in Iraq and Syria, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, or we can be murdered by them in New York, Paris, Los Angeles and London.
Obama officials said that they didn't want to hit ISIS with "shock-and-awe" style bombings. If they had done that, the Paris attacks might have been prevented.
Had ISIS been hit hard, some of the fighters who made their way to France might have been killed. Or they might have been needed back in Syria and Iraq. Or they might have abandoned ship once the Caliphate failed and the Islamic State's pretenses of theological supremacy were exposed by its collapse.
Instead of fighting ISIS, Obama has faked a fight, concentrating on drone strikes and hashtags, and doctoring intelligence to make it look like these tactics are working.
We're not going to defeat ISIS with hashtags. We're not going to defeat it by calling it Daesh. We are not going to defeat it by taking out one of its leaders every few months.
We can only defeat the Caliphate by destroying it.
Obama had told the Pentagon that we can't defeat ISIS with guns. But ISIS had no problem massacring almost a hundred people in Paris with guns. We don't need "better ideas," as Obama suggested, to beat ISIS. Our civilization is already a better idea. It just needs defending from the barbarians at the gates.
The free world needs a Caliphate Doctrine. It must state clearly and unambiguously that any attempt to build a Caliphate, to subjugate territories to Islamic law with all its accompanying barbarism, and to demand the surrender of the rest of humanity through terror, will be met with utter destruction.
Not drone strikes. Not hashtags. Not calls for moderate Islam. Not even the "shock-and-awe" that Obama officials nervously disavowed. But the destruction that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan faced after they attempted to impose the rule of a master race and ideology on the world through terror.
If we do not want another century of fear, then we must make the Islamic State into an example.