maripgan89 #racist

The Japanese are such sell-outs to the fucken Westerners. They lost their true sense of identity as a minjok and nation, too much brainwashing from western Hollywood media. The West is very Anti-Asianism, so we shouldn't even ally with these countries. Western people (Whites, Blacks, etc.) love to mock and ridicule Northern Asiatic people because of our successful attributes like high intelligence and wealth. Of course, this isn't racism, right? :lol: This is why Korea needs to be pan-nationalist and anti-western. There's always been a struggle for dominance in world stage between East and West and Korea needs to win this struggle by pushing more technological and scientific advances so we can better prepare a future world war against the West.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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