David J. Stewart #fundie google.com.au
JC's Girls' Website Promotes Immodesty and Mocks God's Holiness
The article at www.BustedHalo.com, Stripper Salvation, goes on to state...
Veitch and her cohorts play up their sex appeal on their website and in their personal appearances because it adds to their credibility in an industry obsessed with physical beauty. "I understand the culture of these girls" says Veitch. "They respect that.
Play up their sex appeal? How does this statement compare to 1st Timothy 2:9 from the Word of God, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." These three women dare to call themselves "Christian", while simultaneously promoting immodesty and lasciviousness? Blasphemy!!! Heather Veitch even promotes immodest "Holy Hottie" pants and tank-tops for women, which you can buy through her website. The words "Holy Hottie" are deliberately written across a women's private area to attract men's attention to that part of her body. This is so evil. These women are NO Christians. They are selling whorish clothing in the name of Christ.
The JC's Girls' website also features Pimp-My-Profile.com in several places. So much for the 700 Club! Only an apostate ministry would support what these girls are doing. They're not getting anybody saved, they're exploiting Christianity to make money, and stupid people are sending it to them. These girls are still celebrities in SIN CITY!
It is evil and wrong for JC's Girls to "play up their sex appeal" in order to draw people to Christ. How crazy is the world going to get before the Lord returns to clean up this mess? What next, Christian Rock-n-Roll?