Ned Lee #fundie

It is NO coincidence that "gay" insist on adopting SAME SEX children. Within the SMALL percentage of being "gay" the adopted kids by PERCENTAGE are molested MORE in the "gay"community than in the heterosexual community. THESE are FACTS. It is the exact OPPOSITE. "Gays" are driven to MOLEST same sex regardless of age. It is also true that "gays" prize YOUTH and that INCLUDES INFANTS! Yes, INFANTS - helpless human beings are routinely MOLESTED by "gay parents". Need I mention how being raised by "gay.
parents is emotionally confusing as well as ABUSIVE physically.

Yes, Mark Adams Brown, I glanced at your writing and YOU are telling the TRUTH.

In the military, "gays' - the "butch" type are threatening and molesting the more feminine of the "gay" people. For example with two "gay"males one ALWAYS pretends to be the "feminine half" and the other plays the extreme MACHO half. It is the MACHO one that is intimidating the other males that are more feminine into submission by FORCE. The same is true of the MACHO female lesbian. The "butch" female is intimidating the molesting the more feminine lesbian into submission. There is NOTHING normal about "gay" people!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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