[Braving another prophecy, after 8 successive failures]
The UN in Midtown Manhattan will be hit by a sea borne nuclear bomb on 2006Ab15 i.e. on the Jewish Sabbath between Sundown Friday August 11th and Sundown Saturday August 12th, 2006
Oh, it's a lot more than 8 successive failures. They ran ads in the paper for several years announcing successive dates for the UN Security Council to be increased to 10 permanent members (I think it was). They seem to have gone quiet on this one, funnily enough.
The 15th of Av, 2006 would have occurred approximately 3,760 years ago, adjusting for lunar calendar irregularities. (According to the Jewish Calendar, it is the year 5766).
BTW, even most religious Jews, who number their calendar from the supposed Creation, don't take as literal that the world was created 5,766 years ago.
How do these people ever learn to avoid unpleasant consequences if they can't grasp the idea of fundamental error? They'd be doomed to patterns of behavior that would be inherently self-destructive.
"Man, my feet are tired. I think I'll just sit down here on this nice stove -- EEEEEYAAAGH! OW! OW! Oh, man, that hurt. Well, the stove looks okay, though. I'm sure it won't hurt this time -- EEEEYAAAAGH! OW! OW! Okay, well, surely it won't hurt this time...."
~David D.G.
Hunh? Folks, Wednesday, Aug 9, is 15 Av, not this weekend. What calendar are these folks using? Oh, yeah, the year is 5766, too. I mean if you're gonna use the Jewish calendar.
There are three ways to get an accurate prophesy. The first and most reliable, is to write the prophesy after the event and say that it written before. These guys have not figured this tactic out.
The second is to make the prophesy so vague that someone somewhere sometime will somehow fulfill it. These guys missed out on that time tested strategy too.
The third is to keep repeating the same prophesy until it comes true. Not so reliable, since it may never happen. Besides, you get a huge stack of unfulfilled false prophesies behind you.
Doesn't the Bible say somewhere that false prophets should be stoned? Stoned to death not the other way. These guys seem to already be stoned.
Wolf O'Donnell (SWHQ),
From http://www.truebiblecode.com/help.html
Bible Code: The false bible code of Michael Drosnin and Eli Rips is a Statistical Hoax. It is a computerised form of crystal ball gazing. The true bible code reveals how many metaphorical meanings every bible account has. It reveals where each bible account stops and starts. And it reveals what these metaphorical meanings are. It also gives us the chronology of key events which is missing in the literal meaning of the holy scriptures.
These guys are not using the standard Bible code. There stuff is way more messed up than that.
Have a look at their Master Chronology !
Didn't we allready have this one?
No, no, we had the same prediction from the same folks, but with a date of August 4-5, not August 11-12.
This is obviously a totally different prediction.
Okay, now that we're not going to get any more of these for the month (or at least no more that we'll be able to see fail during the month), can we give these guys the "Nostradumbass Award for Failed Prophecy"?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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