I have to ask any pro-choice readers of this blog, as respectfully and gently as I can: What more would it take for you to see the humanity of the unborn? What exactly would you have to witness to be convinced that bodies in the womb are people? Is your position one of faith and dogma, that cannot be assailed by even the most convincing medical and video evidence? If not, what are you waiting to see?
Let’s be absolutely clear about one thing: The idea that these videos are “hoaxes” or are “deceptively edited” is a laughingstock. The only honest reason to look away, the only honest reason to not see, is to admit that you don’t want to.
Let’s be absolutely clear about one thing: The idea that these videos aren't “hoaxes” or aren't “deceptively edited” is a laughingstock. The only honest reason to look away, the only honest reason to not see, is to admit that you don’t want to.
ETA: And isn't it strange, he asks his readers questions, but comments are disabled.
What more would it take for you to see the humanity of the unborn? What exactly would you have to witness to be convinced that bodies in the womb are people?
The idea that these videos are “hoaxes” or are “deceptively edited” is a laughingstock.
The only laughingstock are the people who claim that those videos weren't edited and actually prove that PP was selling aborted fetuses.
"What more would it take for you to see the humanity of the unborn? What exactly would you have to witness to be convinced that bodies in the womb are people?"
Demonstrable neural activity (i.e. 'brainwaves') that is sustained, bilaterally synchronous, and originates in the cortex.
is that specific enough for you?
What bothers me is that this idiot's mindset is going mainstream... kinda. It's in Mallard Fillmore is harping on this. AND WILL NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP! Een when the """"""joke"""""" involving it is malformed and, well, abortive, it gets used. Even in situations where it's inappropriate such as in the discovery of an extrasolar planet.
What it comes down to, and this should be apparent to anyone over the last decade or so, is that you can't trust anything the comes from Christian mouths or Organizations. Even when we say "all politicians lie" it's the "Godly" "Devote Christian" or "Family values" politicians or reality tv personalities that lie all the time.
Now I understand your problem. You assume that we reject facts in favor of dogma because that's what you do, and you're projecting.
The "most convincing" medical evidence, in fact ALL of the medical evidence, proves that they are not people. Period.
We don't "look away" from your hoax videos in revulsion or denial, because we know they are not science. We simply dismiss them for the fakery that they are.
As for any video of donated fetuses or fetal tissues that are being stored or examined for use in research, we are adults, and we think like adults who understand how medical research is conducted, not like emotional six year olds.
Let’s be absolutely clear about one thing: The idea that these videos are “hoaxes” or are “deceptively edited” is a laughingstock.
This is the problem with conservatives: They are determined to believe whatever they want, regardless of facts.
Critical thinking involves analysing every piece of evidence that you come across, regardless of whether it supports the argument you are putting forth. It's simply not good enough to blindly accept something because it would add weight to your argument; it only damages your argument to use flawed evidence. When people point out the flaws they are making an honest criticism, but obviously this stands in the way of your desperate attempt to cling on to anything that seems to fall in your favour. This is indicative that your pro-life stance is deeply flawed in itself.
Wait. How do they even imagine the process? There is an egg, a sperm cell comes along, they touch, both begin to glow and magically transform in a full-formed baby?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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