sale123 #racist

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This is a very difficult question...What characteristics would this new race of humans have ?There is more to race then skin color.

A quote comes to mind "Equality is a lie… A myth to appease the masses''.Granted the quote comes from a sith lord (who aren't exactly known for their upstanding moral character) but that does not make it any less true.To claim that human races are equal to one another in ability is foolishness.All evidence points to the contrary.

The real problem the western world faces is forced diversity.Here is a good read on the subject.Racism is to be expected given our current situation.White people are being subjected to a form of ethnic cleansing in every country they live in.They are also the least racist race amusingly enough.The sheer amount of black on white crime in america is insane.Rotherham also shows what happens when western countries accept so many immigrants from third world countries.

Diversity is a truly terrible thing.If everyone were to suddenly become the same race ?Race based discrimination would probably stop but not very much would change if skin color is all that changed.The muslim jihadists would still keep trying to take over europe by immigrating and outbreeding the native populations like they are now.Africa would still remain a third world hellhole despite it's abudant resources because the people living there would still retain their depressingly low IQ's and so on.All that this would accomplish in the end would probably be the destrucion of many unique cultures which we have today.



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