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Looks like some people have more time on their hands than they know what to do with. Wonder if they used any of my posts? I'll be upset if they didn't. Maybe something they read will actually sink in.
I see two definitions of fundamentalists when dealing with Christians.....One is Fred Phelps. He's a nut. The other is that I am fundamental to the beliefs of the Gospels of Jesus Christ, i.e. that HE is Lord, that He was born God Incarnate, He is God's only begotton Son sent to this world to save us, that He died on the cross, arose on the third day and lives in my heart and sits at the right hand of the Father.
I do not see that I am dangerous to Christianity...some other Christians have also accused me of this. Sounds like when Bill O'Reilly reads his mail on certain segments,i.e. "Bill it's so obvious you are a flaming liberal and hate Bush and all things Republican." Next email on same subject says, "Bill you are such a conservative and Bush lover you are not fair and objective." The the next one will say, "Bill you are certainly not an independent as you claim."
It's all in the eye of the beholder.
When I made that post I did so in humor. I have a whacky sense of humor. I'm a smart ass what can I say?
However, I did mean the part about if you all are reading our posts maybe some of the more sane posts about salvation will sink in. That's it.
BTW what exactly is a "secular fundamentalist". I'm at a loss here.
Francois come on over and have a gander around RR. Though I think you would have to post in the Anything Goes forum and not make presonal attacks on people. They are funny about that. I've even been accused of that a couple of times though I disagree. I was attacking the argument..I think someone tattled on me and failed to see the difference.
Hope you all take the time to read the whole thread and see how much I am praying for Alan and trying to help him with his Medicaid problem.
God bless.
A "secular fundie" is someone who shows the same sort of lunacy as religious extremists but from an atheistic or secular view. Some of the more extreme Objectivisits (or "Randroids" as I've heard them called once or twice) qualify, as do atheists who believe religion should be banned entirely.
On another subject, I find it rather frightening that anyone could accuse O'Reilly of being liberal ... unless they're operating under the assumption that the best way to argue against something is to do a spectacularly awful job of arguing for it (a message that a lot of fundies would do well to remember as well, though I haven't seen anything extremely off-putting from you, Dee).
#824 & #826; Crosis & Yahweh. I only mentioned Bill O'Reilly because he can do one segment then a plethra of letters from viewers all with different viewpoints. I've been watching him for years. I personlly thing he leans toward the conservative side myself. However, on any given segment, he will get emails saying he's too liberal, saying he's too conservative and such. That was my point.
People watch the same thing as we did and my hubby and during the email section, we will look at each other and say, "Did they watch the same O'Reilly as we did last night?" Moral: There are nutcases on all sides.
Crosis thank you for saying you haven't seen anything off-putting from me. I appreciat it. Like I said in earlier posts we can all agree to disagree but have fun in the debate and discussion.
Yahweh, I think Pat Robertson is a nut too....just like Fred Phelps...he just has a tighter grip on his sanity. :-)
Jerry Falwell also falls into my "nuts" category. I mean, give me a break, who in their right mind would accuse a Teletubby of supporting gay rights just because they are purple and have the thing on it's head. Geez. I think he's off his rocker and I think that some of these guys are responsible for giving normal Christians a bad name.
God Bless
Hello Dee.
First, I owe you an apology for saying you are more dangerous than secular fundamentalists. Reading your posts again, that is not the case.
However, I will stick to a similar statement regarding several (but not all) of the users and mods at RR. What sinks in is I see a group of people more dangerous to their religion than the supposed agents of the antichrist they're trying to point their finger at.
Reading most of these quotes, if I swap Christian for athiest and evolution for creationism I'd wind up labelled as a card-carrying member of the NWO waiting in line for his loyalty mark.
However, I do visit those sites good Christians shouldn't like Real Live Preacher, Matt Sturges and Society of Mutual Autopsy. I find it to be interesting material.
Somebody tries not to look angry and offended, when he´s actually angry and offended. Yes, we have a lot of time in our hands, as well as you, who are all the time in Rapture Ready. Double standards, no thanks.
For the record, you were quoted here. Congrats. Now point number 2. We have quotes from terrorists, neo Nazis, Muslims, atheists, pagans, liberals and conservatives. So basically you will be with company you probably don't want to be with. Let that sink in
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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