Rock5151 #fundie

(On an article explaining how bees fly.)

first of all nothing that was said here proves anything. Until they can take what was laid out in this artical and replicate how a bee flys it is just a theory... And I say it is totaly wrong!

Here is how bees fly!
Bee's and other buzzing insects displace gravity much like a gryo-scope does but in a 360 degree fasion. This is done by its system of passageways that our science believes is the bee's breathing system. Yes some of it is for breathing... but... The real reason is to push out ether which fills every cell and atom with "Mass". The bee is capable of removing an estimated 40 to 60% of the ether filling its atoms depending on how hard it is buzzing. The wings are just for stablization and thrust.

The Humming bird uses the same process.

Keep drinking the koolade science is selling... See where that get you.

Yes Read the garbage they put out but.... Think for your self!



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