(On an article explaining how bees fly.)
first of all nothing that was said here proves anything. Until they can take what was laid out in this artical and replicate how a bee flys it is just a theory... And I say it is totaly wrong!
Here is how bees fly!
Bee's and other buzzing insects displace gravity much like a gryo-scope does but in a 360 degree fasion. This is done by its system of passageways that our science believes is the bee's breathing system. Yes some of it is for breathing... but... The real reason is to push out ether which fills every cell and atom with "Mass". The bee is capable of removing an estimated 40 to 60% of the ether filling its atoms depending on how hard it is buzzing. The wings are just for stablization and thrust.
The Humming bird uses the same process.
Keep drinking the koolade science is selling... See where that get you.
Yes Read the garbage they put out but.... Think for your self!
Umm... so how to airplanes fly then?
(Please be a poe, please be a poe, please be a too well thought out poe.)
ohhh look its a retard, how nice. so like all id proponants you dont understand how bees fly, well let me enlighten you!
They fly because they flap their wings. The flapping motion
imparts downward momentum to the air, and as a result, the bee stays aloft.
The wings do not just move up and down. The tip of the wing also moves
forward and backward and the end of the wing moves in an oval shape. In
addition the wings tilt during each flap.
All of this complicated "paddling" allows it to fly. It is not really
known "exactly" how the bee flies.
The direction the wings move was not known until high speed photography was
invented. Even then, to get a GOOD understanding of air flow requires that
some tracer be put in the air (like smoke) so that the researchers can find
out how the wings are pushing the air around.
If a bee hovers over your hand, you can feel a gentle breeze from the little
how simple was that eh. another ID mystery debunked
<id proponant: id have gotten away with had it not been for those pesky evilutionists>
scooby snack anyone?
Wait, you've never seen a bee fly? They have WINGS. That they flap. Like birds.
>>"The real reason is to push out ether which fills every cell and atom with "Mass". The bee is capable of removing an estimated 40 to 60% of the ether filling its atoms depending on how hard it is buzzing."
Y'know, on second thought, this whole thing seems too good to be true. Did somebody post it on purpose? :|
Oh man. Now, that right there is just a big bag o' awesome. I don't think I've ever seen anyone type out of their ass with such conviction about such a complete absurdity.
You think like one.
"Keep drinking the koolade science is selling..."
Why do these irony meters STILL not have fuses?! *cough*cough* Blasted things...
ETHER?! Can I drag this moron to my undergrad school and chuck him into the Michelson-Morley fountain? It doesn't have much water in it, it'd hurt really well. Or maybe not, I bet it's full of ether! *rolleyes*
So according to Rock5151,& his description of how bees & other small insects fly, bees have the biological equivalent of the Dean Drive, a faster than light drive, promoted heavily, in the 1950's, by the S.F magazine Astounding Science, & it's then editor, John Campbell Jr...
So if you go outside, & see flashes of Cerenkov Radiation in your garden, it's a bee...
What the FUCK did I just read....?
You mean he was sober when he wrote this?
@those who say "stupid != fundie":
In my book, a complete rejection of the basic principles of science is enough to qualify one as a fundie. But then, that's just my opinion.
Bees do fly, what else is there to debate? They can even communicate direction and distance to a particular flower field, by a little dance in the hive. How they do it is really insignificant, we know that they do it.
Plus, the honey is great. Especially heather honey, fresh from the extraction. My dad used to be a bee keeper, and the honey he got was amber colored, slow-flowing and very delicious. *slightly drooling at the thought of that honey*
What were we talking about?
Yeah, right.. *backs off slowly*
Barking loon. Not Poe.. For a Poe one needs to be fundy to the fullest it isn't funny anymore. This isn't fundy, just stark raving mad
I sort of remember the book "Bees can't fly" from my childhood, but I don't even think that was as crazy as this.
I'm really hoping this is a Poe.
Yes Read the garbage they put out but.... Think for your self!
By all means. Master aerodynamics, then if you disagree, disprove it mathematically. If you can't do that, then how are you going to think for yourself?
Okay, tell you what. I dare you to write a long report with all of the correct facts to whoever you think is the leading scientific mind, detailing exactly why they got it wrong, and ending with a demand that they replace everything they know with what you, a single uneducated person, pulled out of your head one afternoon.
In the meantime, I'll be over here playing a drinking game from the number of laughs that you're going to get.
thinking for your self is always great, so is knowing when your over your head.
in the untrained hand thinking to hard can be dangerous, shit like this happens.
"Yes Read the garbage they put out but.... Think for your self!"
Ironic, when you consider that's -exactly- what led me to my current semi-Satanic philosophy.
But yes, QUESTION EVERYTHING. (Even this post.)
ETA: ether ? Fucking ETHER?! *guffaw* What the hell century did you go to school in, the 18th?!
Oddly enough, removing or seriously damaging the bumblebee's wings seems to damage the anti-gravity mechanism, as it can no longer even hover slightly.
Puts me in mind of the scientist who taught a frog to jump on command. Then he amputated one of its front legs, and commanded it to jump. It jumped. He cut off the other front leg, and commanded it to jump. It jumped. Off came one of the back legs and, on command, the frog did its best to jump. Finally, the last leg was removed and, no matter how many times the scientist commanded, the frog did not jump. The scientist concluded that this was clear evidence that removing all four legs had rendered the frog deaf, therefore a frog's ears are in its legs.
"Here is how bees fly!"
They have fuckin' wings. In fact: It's not bees the conterversy was ever about. It was Bumble bees. They have huge bodies and relativly small wings. Your first hint is: They fly badly, they don't manuever or hover nearly as well as other bees.
But they fly because they can. When science decided it had to explain it, they did
"displace gravity"
In the same way as a Space Shuttle does, Rock5151? In that case, I'm sure you won't mind standing in the thrust exhaust chamber directly underneath it's main engines whenever Endeavour, Discovery or Atlantis next launches. After all, it's not that ignited liquid oxygen & solid propellant that's carrying it up at 17,000 mph. Merely it creating a complex gravitational displacement field.
This seems to be the result of four different influences:
1)The old 'bee flight is aerodynamically impossible' BS. The most that can be said is that bee flight might have been hard to explain - clearly it does it, so it's not impossible.
2) The buzzing sound of a bee is in fact made by its breathing tubes apparatus and not made by its wings.
3) The long-abandoned "ether" theory of space.
4) There actually is something in the Bible
about God making the bee fly, hence this might be fundie-inspired.
@ WMDKitty --
Some theories of "ether" lasted well beyond the 18th century even among "real" scientists. The best-known experiments attempting to show the existence of the "luminiferous aether" as a medium for the propagation of light were late-19th (Michelson-Morley experiment, 1887, with increasingly precise variations developed until 1930) or even early 20th century (Trouton-Noble experiment, 1901-1903). Of course, these experiments al produced a null result -- none of the effects expected if the luminiferous aether existed were actually observed.
Ether? Ether? Where are you from, the XVI. century?
Keep drinking the koolade science is selling...
It's funny how you use an idiom coming from a sect that believed Jesus was travelling in a spaceship after the Halley comet. You're good to go, fundie.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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