newtonsage #racist

[comment on article that African-Americans and women are especially badly hit by the economy]

Glad to hear it...blacks were voting for dear leader at 95% or so....these racists got what they wanted....a happy muslim socialist who has been stealing money from workers to give it to blacks. Blacks do it to themselves: drugs, crime, 75% illigitimacy rate, dropping out of school, not working, terrible racist attitudes...what part of their life do they take responsibility for? 0.00% It's always somebody else's fault.

This article quote is hilarious: All the racial grievance industry and the “vote with you lady parts” campaigns do is appeal to shallow thinking". Blacks are racist and low IQ, women voting with their vaginas are even lower IQ...both groups deserve everything they get and deserve every failure in their lives. As Rev. Wright, that deep racist thinker said, "The chickens have come home to roost".



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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