['my friend wants to go to church really, really bad, but her mom won't let her because she thinks all things that involve God is bad.']
try inviting her 2 youth group tell her that you play games talk and stuff like that but leave out the kpart about god, that what i do and it works
['Doesn't that amount to deception?']
not really because u do do all of those things at yg ur just not teling them all of it if u want to call it that go ahead but it might be the only way to get the friend there
['There is such a thing as "lying by omission". deception is the only way to get someone to go to a Christian youth group. Nice. Please tell me you see the irony in that.']
ya i do but do u see any other way to get that friend their?
Ooooh, Oooooh, Ooooooh!
I know this one!
(And yes Yahweh, lying for Jesus. Wow just wait till all the preachers and apologetics and evangelicals realise that's allowed. Oh wait!)
These types of Christian are better at deceiving than their "Prince of Lies." I know from experience.
Lying is OK, so long as you're lying to bring Jesus into someone's life. And it's not just lying, he/she is also lying to that person's mother and deceiving her.
Wow, two commandments in one go! I wonder how many more they can break?
Not only lying for Jesus, but she is encouraging her friend to violate God's law to Honor one's father and mother. And, Jesus supposedly said to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Would she like to be misled as she is advocating her freind to do to her mother?
And she's saying that her mom would be dumb enough to fall for "We're going to a Youth Group, but it's not about God. It's about singing and playing games." Yeah, right. Her mom wasn't born yesterday but the OP's replyer sure was!
"Forbidding your daughter to go to a Christian youth group sounds a bit hardcore, doesn't it?"
It depends on the church and the age of the child in my opinion. I agree it does seem harsh, but if the parent is uncomfortable with what this church might teach, she has every right to feel concerned.
I'm thinking that the mother might be a fundie of another denomination and she doesn't want her daughter mixing with those "other Christians."
yeek. A friend of mine once invited me along to a sort of youth group, club thing. She did NOT warn me that there would be God and Patriotism on the menu.
Sorry, I don't pray and I'm not honouring your goddamn Queen. And that flag? I burn them, as a rule.
My young cousin went through this recently, but an even more twisted recruitment method. The preacher's daughter and her friend (both very attractive) hang around people at the shopping mall, etc. They approach a likely target, flirt with them, and convince them to come along to this "youth group" (at Cafe Church). The girls lead them on, and once the guy is knee-deep in the bullshit, they start ignoring him. Which of course makes the person distraught, and vulnerable to the "comfort" of the Church.
My cousin heard from SEVERAL people who were inducted in the same way. The worst part is, even though he now realizes all of this, he's STILL part of the church!
It's disheartening to hear the uninformed fundie bullshit that comes out of his mouth (via the preacher -- who hangs his own rubbish paintings in the lobby and regularly sells them for thousands of dollars to idiot parishiners)...
<<< Isn't Satan gonna protest that christains are taking jobs away from his minions? >>>
But they're so much better at it. I mean, Satan's reputation precedes him (and his minions). It's hard to convince people of something when they know you as "prince of darkness" or some similarly scary-but-wimpy-sounding title.
I can see how this post does amount to deception, but I personally know quite a few Christians who believe and advocate things that fundies would be shocked at. Maybe if this person had been "holier than thou" in a previous post, then the submission would be justified as this does show hypocrisy. But on its own, I still don't think its that bad really.
Phil, are you serious? The preacher's daughter and a friend actually SEDUCE people into the church?!?
That's exactly the kind of subversive and deceitful tactic fundies are always claiming is used by satanists and pagans! (And I've even known pagans for whom it was more or less true.)
Man, that really IS twisted!
~David D.G.
DDG, absolutely serious. I couldn't believe it either. The "Cafe Church" gets up to all sorts of other weird stuff. They balance pool parties and toga nights with faith healing, exorcisms, and talking in tongues.
Here's the head office's site:
My cousin's "congregation" is in a small town.
I would go to cafe church, from what I read it is a great place, exorcismes, hot girl and hopefully they "offer" beer like any true cafe would.
First, this is a blatant denial of christian morals. No matter how you look at it, you're going to piss god off one way or another with this crap. Second, the spelling is horrible. I hate all that 'how r u' and 'c ya l8r' bullshit. Now, let's say the mother was a fundy christian, and the daughter an atheist, or wiccan, or something like that. If the mother was trying to make the daughter go to church, but she didn't want to, these same fundies advocating deception and lying and dishonor, would use those same rules to say the daughter has to listen to her mother and would have to go to church. Such crap.
"Get that friend their..."what? What are we getting her? Oh, right, into a web of lies.
What if we took trinity4me to say, a biology class. We could day, there will be other kids, and books, and we'll talk about the world.
We had to, it was the only way to get you educated.
Prager said:
"Parents, unless they are hard-core atheists, don't stop their children from attending Christian youth groups. I think this story is apocryphal!"
That isn't quite true. My aunt attended an out there church while I was a kid and there were alot of parents in the area who wouldn't let their teens go. The thing that really turned the parents off was the ranting about any other church when alot of the guest teens were Lutheran or Catholic. They had a number of kids from other churches attending until they started that.
Eventually even my aunt got scared off and that's saying something.
I also doubt that someone of a different faith would be thrilled about their kids attending.
a child should obey its parents. This person is trying to circumvent a parental decision.
Imagine if "my friend wants to go to the mosque, but her Xian mother won't let her" was the case. I think we would see a different scenario
Phil: "My young cousin went through this recently, but an even more twisted recruitment method. The preacher's daughter and her friend (both very attractive) hang around people at the shopping mall, etc. They approach a likely target, flirt with them, and convince them to come along to this "youth group" (at Cafe Church). The girls lead them on, and once the guy is knee-deep in the bullshit, they start ignoring him. Which of course makes the person distraught, and vulnerable to the "comfort" of the Church.
My cousin heard from SEVERAL people who were inducted in the same way. The worst part is, even though he now realizes all of this, he's STILL part of the church!
It's disheartening to hear the uninformed fundie bullshit that comes out of his mouth (via the preacher -- who hangs his own rubbish paintings in the lobby and regularly sells them for thousands of dollars to idiot parishiners)... "
The whores of Jesus.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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