felixthecat #fundie rr-bb.com

If you go onto Amazon, you'll find TONS of books DIRECTED to LITTLE KIDS about being gay. There is one about penguins that is directed to preschoolers and kindergarten kids that have two male penguins as being "parents" - and supposed to be "normal". It was very few words and lots of cute pictures. KIDS are being targetted. It is NO mistake that when you do a search on excite or google or any of them for the word Barbie or something innocent like that and TONS of porn sites appear. They want to get little kids addicted to porn. They want to desensitize them. They're trying to grow their business. It doesn't matter if it's porn, perversion or hating your country - they want to get into their heads when they are YOUNG.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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