First of all the policy of the seperation of church and state is not a guiding principle of this nation. It was merely a comment made by Jefferson in a private letter to a friend, which has been harped on by liberals. Secondly there is no need to utter profanity to get your point across. Thirdly Obama never states examples either, he merely throws out pretty words which any liberal will refuse to examine lest they be deemed not liberal enough. Fourthly, not sure that is a word but it works, Obama's so called branch of Islam is openly devoted to destroying the "white race", and Christianity. His religious leader has made this point many times in his sermons. Fifthly, again it works, the First Amendament only states that the government may not establish laws respecting a religion, or forbidding it. It does not give carte blanch for evil. The final point to mention is that this is only the latest in a series of talks on the issue. Watch them all for the whole of his argument.
No, Obama's a Good Christian Guy.
Pfft. Destroying the white race. What is even.. Who even... What would that...
5. Evil? .. Well, what are you talking about? You're going to bring up the 1st amend-a-ment and then just keep talking about how you hate Obama?
Try the 1st amendment, fuckwit.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Gov't stays the hell out of religion, aka Separation of Church and State.
First of all the policy of the seperation of church and state is not a guiding principle of this nation. It was merely a comment made by Jefferson in a private letter to a friend,
If he meant nothing by it, then why did Jefferson write (say) it?
"Obama's so called branch of Islam is openly devoted to destroying the "white race", and Christianity. "
Firstly (yes, I'm being facetious and making fun of you), Obama is a Christian, so the beginning and end of this sentence is utterly retarded and meaningless.
Secondly (again, I'm making fun of you), Barack is half white, jack-ass, so why the hell would he want to "destroy the white race?" Nevermind that, thirdly (still making fun of you, by the way), "race" is a misnomer, as human is the only race, and white, black, chinese, etc. are all ethnicities .
/First of all the policy of the seperation of church and state is not a guiding principle of this nation. It was merely a comment made by Jefferson in a private letter to a friend, which has been harped on by liberals./
The First Amendment was a private letter? Who knew?
/Obama's so called branch of Islam is openly devoted to destroying the "white race", and Christianity./
Yeah...which is he's Christian, has been going to church all his life, and why he's now grieving for his white grandmother, whom he repeatedly claims was a major positive influence on his life. Moron.
Jefferson did indeed use the phrase "separation of church and state" in a letter. It was not, however, a "private" letter to a friend. It was in answer to an official inquiry made by a group of ministers and Jefferson went so far as to obtain other opinions on the wording and interpretation in his response.
Since I am not a complete moron like Demendred, I learned this at a select seminar for historians and history educators at Monticello.
It was merely a comment made by Jefferson in a private letter to a friend, which has been harped on by liberals.
No, it was an official letter to the President requesting his assurance that Anglicans wouldn't be allowed to discriminate against Baptists in Connecticut. Jefferson clearly indicated that he considered "separation of church and state" to be a summary or equivalent of the principles contained in the First Amendment.
Obama's so called branch of Islam is openly devoted to destroying the "white race", and Christianity
And exactly what branch of Islam is that? You do realize that Islam is a religion and not an ethnic identity? There are white muslim you know? Islam is not a black/arab only religion.
His religious leader has made this point many times in his sermons.
Who is this "religious leader" of Obama's that you claim to have special knowledge about?
First Amendament only states that the government may not establish laws respecting a religion, or forbidding it.
No it states a great deal more than that. you would know that had you bothered to read it.
It does not give carte blanch for evil
What is this "evil" you are refering too? A black man being president?
The final point to mention is that this is only the latest in a series of talks on the issue. Watch them all for the whole of his argument.
Who's arguement? All I can see is the blatherings of a racist christian fundamentalist who claims to have "special knowledge" about the religion and thoughts of a man he's never met and a "religious leader" who doesn't exist. I feel sorry for anyone who actually reads all of you "talks" and more so for anyone stupid enough to belive them, People like that tend to forget how to breathe.
Frankly, I'll take the judgment of historians and scholars regarding the First Amendment over your opinion. And Obama is no more a Muslim than I am, so stop twisting your panties in fear for the "white race."
‘First of all the policy of the seperation of church and state is not a guiding principle of this nation.”
It’s just the Constitution. No biggie.
“It was merely a comment made by Jefferson in a private letter to a friend, which has been harped on by liberals.”
Which has been used by SCOTUS in a decision, to amplify the meaning and use of the 1st Amendment. And those decisions act as footnotes to the Constitution. So it IS in the Constitution.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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