The Illuminati wishes to harness sex in the interests of hate. Love is the enemy of hate and must be destroyed.
According to our definition of homosexuality, (i.e. promiscuity outside of love and/or procreation), all pornography is gay.
I looked at the article Henry wrote and have come to three conclusions about the author: a) because of his broad-based assumptions, extreme generalisations and the fact that he only cites himself, he is by no means anything like a real PhD’; b) he has serious feelings of inadequacy; c) he really needs to come out of the closet.
P.S. Check out the original responses’ at the end of the article. They’re a hoot.
P.P.S. Does anyone know if this guy is associated with Exodus or one of the other ex-gay’ groups?
Sadly, we already gave out the tinfoil hat award. Any mention of the Illuminati should go directly to the tinfoil category.
Now if Henry were a woman, I would guess that the PhD stands for Pentecostal Hair-Do.
Education can help to overcome ignorance, and sometimes even stupidity, but there's no way it can overcome sheer insanity. That's how someone can conceivably earn a PhD and still be completely nuts like this.
~David D.G.
Well, you have an incorrect definition of homosexuality.
According to your post, promiscuity with love is alright as is promiscuity (with or without love) for the purpose of procreation.
How many boxtops did you have to send in for that Ph.D. of yours?
Dante's Virgil -- I think in his case it stands for "Phony Doctorate."
Folks, let repeat this together, out loud:
Hey Henry, why don't you go to a stripper club and tell some angry bikers or gangstas these ideas?
Presumably you stated on your quest for a PhD with BS. But I'm sure you know what you're talking about because you've ACTUALLY BEEN TO A GAY BAR. Please take up a hobby, repaint your closet, anything but write. Which is what you are.
Quentin: except if you watch it with one or more other men. Then it's gay. But if you watch it, even gay porn, with one or more women, it's straight! That's only paraphrased, of course...
According to our definition of homosexuality, (i.e. promiscuity outside of love and/or procreation), all pornography is gay.
It makes so much sense! Tom and Sue who have protected sex are total fags, real flaming homos. *sighs*
You pulled that definition out of your ass. Then in again. Then out. In, out, in, out. Didn't you, you dirty whore?
Oh, this is just too much. He gets a doctorate in English , and he supports his wildly outlandish point of view by changing the definitions of words ?!? Way to demonstrate that command of the language, "doctor"!
~David D.G.
Appears later in the thread, in response to a gay man saying he had a normal chilhood:
"Dear Chad,
Some gays are born gay because of testosterone imbalances in gestation. Apparently you were one. Don't be so arrogant. I have researched homosexuality thoroughly. I know a half dozen gays. I have even been to a gay bar. "
"Dear Chad,
Some gays are born gay because of testosterone imbalances in gestation. Apparently you were one. Don't be so arrogant. I have researched homosexuality thoroughly. I know a half dozen gays. I have even been to a gay bar. "
Apparently then, I'm more of an expert on it you. I've had female crotches in my face more than once!
So, in my opinion, go suck a dick and call me in the morning. You should be cured by then.
Wow, "Dr" Makow has discovered the reason for homosexuality!!! What a douche.
...I would really, really love to hear him explain how I, a bisexual female, came to be.
The Illuminati wishes to harness sex in the interests of hate.
No, that's religious fundamentalists. Inflicting sexual guilt gives them the power they crave.
I may be wrong, but I thought most people had sex with people they like, even love. Very few people have sex out of hatred, surely?
How do you know that none of the people pictured in the pornography love each other, and that none of them became pregnant as a result of the actions portrayed?
Speaking of definitions; an older definition of the word "gay" is "happy". Using that definition, at least some of the straight pornography is indeed gay.
> Very few people have sex out of hatred, surely?
Actually, I'm pretty sure that's the reason for a good portion of rape.
Haven't quite grasped the whole Sexuality thing have you: if you get my drift...!
Kinsey, Masters & Johnson, Krafft-Ebing & Havelock Ellis would like a word with you: certainly about the accreditation of where you got your so-called 'Ph.D'.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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