I'll give you an example of something I saw recently:
Blonde is a natural color for some.
Black is a natural color for others.
I saw a person crossing the street who had all black hair except for one blonde patch. That was immodest.
Another example is from someone a little closer. She has multicolored hair - red's, brown's, and blonde's all mixed up. That is unnatural and immodest!
["...how it is immodest to have a blond spot (or other colors) in your hair?"]
The essence of modesty is showing others your countenance. The only part of your body that can show a countenance that reflects Christ (a spirit of humility) is your face. If you draw attention to any other part or aspect of your body (i.e., your hair), then you are immodes.
In the cases I cited, the people were immodest because their hair attracts attention away from their face. The one with black hair and a blonde spot - I saw her from a half mile away!
So, I'm assuming that means this person would be okay with nose, lip, and eyebrow piercings and heavy, gaudy makeup. It draws attention to your face, after all!
And the pretty ones are so immodest.
Mulitcoloured hair like that can be a product of shock, local trauma, or a head injury! Stop being an ass!
You didn't mention grey hair. What's the go there, are they meant to die it all grey when they get their first one?
Facial scares are a good way to make someone want to focus their attention elsewhere. Is that immodest? What about ski masks that cover your "countenance?" Should people freeze their nose and ears off to be modest?
Anyway I don't know what kind of little sicko you are that you are so obsessed with hair, but when I walk up to someone I glance at different parts of their body, taking them in as a whole, before focusing my attention to their eyes. Special attention goes to their shoes, clothing, hair, (no matter if it's colored or not) and certain other parts should they be a nice looking woman. If someone has multi-colored hair I pay no more special attention to it than I normally would pay attention to their hair, because it's NORMAL for someone to do that and I see it every single day. So perhaps it's not them who are immodest, but it's you for being a twisted little weirdo who has yet to get used to the social norms of our day and for not being able to resist staring. Get a life creep.
I have auburn hair and if you look at it up close you can see strands of red and brown (especially in the summer). That's my natural. I suppose under this logic I should go out and dye it mousy brown.
I have to admit I get a lot of attention because of my hair, but that is because it is very long and thick. Of course, I don't worry about it being immodest because I'm not a brainwashed christian sheeple.
I think someone's just jealous because they can't do cool things like that to their hair. Personally, I like multi-colored hair. Black and blonde, in particular, sounds very pretty. If that's immodest, well screw modesty.
Yes, let's all shave our heads and wear monk robes. If you like everyone to look alike and have no individuality, join the service. You'll see nothing but people with the same haircut, glasses, and clothing as you.
As far as immodest, well that is in the eye of the beholder. If you are offended by coloured hair, you are probably too sensitive to be anywhere but a monastary.
Once again the love-the-sinner, we-are-all-god's-children, do-unto-other's crowd can do nothing but complain about something as petty as hair colour. Why don't you get a real job so you are too tired to stick your nose in other's business.
My hair is almost-ginger - it's mostly orange, but there's some red, brown and blonde in there too. I don't dye it like that; it looks like that by itself. I suppose I'm bound for hell, then.
Yeah, I don't like them too, but least, unlike you, I'm honest about the reason why I don't like them. (I'm jealous).
> ...how it is immodest to have a blond spot (or other colors) in your hair?
The only part of your body that can show a countenance that reflects Christ (a spirit of humility) is your face.
> ...well, then, why is your face the only part of your body that can show a countenance that reflects Christ?
You know, Randy, that tie distracts us from your face, not that that isn't a good thing us, but it hardly supports your point. Shouldn't you be dressed in sack cloth?
What cute kids. One can only image how their brains are already being damaged.
Christian Taliban award seconded.
This lowlife has been continually lecturing the kids on that board about "modesty." Well, he has a lot to be modest about.
His solution, like the Church in the middle ages, convince everyone that beauty is a curse. Destroy the self-image of the believers and they become more tractable.
Really sick stuff messing with kids like this. I call spiritual child abuse.
Bro. Randy must not get out much if he was startled by the sight of someone with multi-colored hair. But no wonder: His picture suggests that he must be spending too much time with his head in the feed bag. Being that obscenely fat surely attracts attention way from his piggy face and, no doubt, he could also be seen from a half-mile away.
These kids are really stupid. As far as I am concerned, the colour of the hair is natural or unnatural depending on your jeans, and HONESTLY, we´ve been dying our hair from the beginning of time. Are they saying that just because you change a colour of a part of your body you´re sinning?, are you sinning because you´ve suffered a surgical operation or you pick up your head in locks or pigtails?, idioticity to the highest.(Besides, it is immodest to have your hair all brunette except a shade of blonde. This guys are either trolls or just masochistic)
He saw her from half a mile away and could tell she had two-tone hair? Bro. Randy must be blessed with some kind of superpower: either Telescopic Vision or Truth Stretching. My money's on the latter.
I knew a secretary at my college, still a young woman, who had waist-length brown hair with one shock of silver running through it, completely natural. It was striking, but it was no big deal; the length of her hair was as much of an attention-getter as its color. Come on, Randy, people look different from each other in a lot of aspects besides just the face, and that's okay; after all, by your own system of belief, God made us to be that way!
Christian Taliban Award nomination thirded! Break out the burkas!
~David D.G.
Mandrake - Teens-4-Christ and FreeConservatives share an aspect in common, they completely wall themselves off from dissenting views. They're like concentrated stupid because there's nothing intelligible allowed in.
I have to give Christian Forums huge amounts of credit, then, for not having such a closed-door policy. The stupid still abounds there, but there's at least a good number of people there that counter it quite well.
Surprisingly, Bro Randy considers the burqa immodest too:
In fact, as you mentioned, wearing a burka in our society would not be modest at all. It would cause you to stand out for your clothing not your walk with God.
Immodesty associated with colour?, and if I dye because I have grey-hair, is it immodest?, is it immodest if my hazel auburn hair shines?, if I pick up my hair in locks, buns or ponnytails?
Hmm, I've got tawny fur and a somewhat darker mane. Am I immodest? I don't wear any clothes, does that matter? After all, I am a lion. I just wear my fur.
MK, Brother Randy seems to be a rather corpulent fellow. That's lucky for him. I'm watching my waistline.
Anyway, if you ask me, Randy is merely a control freak who gets a kick out of having power over others. I wonder if he subjects himself to his own rules.
Incidentally, take a look at this:
This forum is owned and operated by Teens-4-Christ.
Any message posted on this forum (whether in a public message or a private
message) becomes the intellectual property of Teens-4-Christ and may be used
as we see fit.
Whatever you post becomes Randy's property. Does this mean you're no longer entitled to profit from or publish your work? Is it even legal?
Oh, noes!
My hair is black, except I have this big patch of RED HAIR on the top of my head! I'm immodest, and I can't help it!
And, now that I'm going grey, I have this wierd patch of grey in my beard... I'm so doomed.
This has no relevance to the Bible, God, Jesus, the church, or anything theological. So why the fuck is the bitching about someones hair? He's mentally ill without a doubt.
*stares in disbelief*
He's cracked. Completely cracked.
I know what he reminds me of! I vaguely remember seeing a Woody Allen (I think) film donkey's years ago, where some (random?) character suddenly became dictator or president or something (I'm not a Woody Allen fan and wasn't really watching, I just remember this one bit) of some small country and on being asked what his orders were came out with a handful of more and more ridiculous orders, ending with a decree that everyone had to wear their underpants outside their trousers...
This moron makes about as much sense.
It can be <i>natural</i> to have odd strands or patches of hair a different color from the rest.
It can result from scarring on the scalp, from illness, from an accident.
How can you be so judgmental? What happens when you start going grey as you age?
Riight. Hair is sinful. My short, spiky black boff is immodest, even though its naturally untameable and if its allowed to grow longer than 4 inches it looks like a lions mane, or the aftermath of an electric shock. And those purple highlights will send me straight to hell.
FU, Randy. Just because your pubes grew on your scalp rather than your crotch it does not mean everyone else has to suffer.
If I was a woman I would be tempted to dye my hair (on my head only) every colour known to the makers of these products - and parade stark naked down Randy's street.
I wonder which part he'd notice then.
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