Earlier this year I covered a story of a black nationalist Muslim from Sudan who attacked, targeted and killed white Christians, this episode could be in a way in the same category: anti-christian.
Imagine if the shooter attacked a Mosque and killed tens of Muslims, what do you think the mainstream media would do? Cry about Islamophobia, blame Trump and white supremacy. But when churches are attacked? It’s just a criminal with a gun, let’s get gun control laws now! This is your mind on liberalism.
Christians are being killed all around the world on a daily basis but what we are being told every single day is that Islam is the most persecuted religion. Lies coming from our politicians who serve the globalist agenda, the same agenda that wants the great replacement to happen. Destroying Christianity is just one step towards the destruction of Western Identity.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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