rantsofanincel #fundie rantsofanincel.wordpress.com

I was asked by someone(Lon?) how I am able to hold down a job. The answer to this is that when people ask me at work about relationships, I say I have a girlfriend. This is strictly a survival tactic, as most men in corporate america are naginas and if you are vocally against feminism, you will at worst, loose your job, and at best, you will be thrown under the bus when it comes to raises/promotions, etc.

I know this from experience, because it has happened to me before. Unfortunately, there are women I have to work fairly closely with on a day to day basis, and the ones you have to watch out for are the young pretty ones who have a trail of naginas drooling behind them, as if they find out there is an incel in the midst, they will have all their naginas turn on you, and this could be a career ending event. Luckily, I am established enough in my field, that there is very little these cunts could do to me, even if they knew I was a full blown incel. Most of the women I work with are completely useless, although, there are a couple who are very good at what they do. Women above 40, or so, tend to mind their own business and pose no threat, generally, to the incel men in my field. It is the younger ones you have to watch out for. I know who the cunts are, and I am respectful to the women who are respectful to me, but for the younger entitled cunts, the 20 somethings, who have a trail of naginas drooling at their heels, I purposely ignore, because I know it pisses them off.

Professionally, these know nothing bubble heads could not even hurt my feelings, however, they could spread word around the office about “that creepy guy”, and the naginas who are trolling for poon, of course, may try to win favors by kissing the cunts ass, and gang up on you. This could create problems for you in the workplace, no matter how skilled you are. For the incel man, the goal should be to hog as many resources as possible, while being as invisible as possible, until the time comes when you have accumulated enough, that if things go bad, you can just tell them to fuck off after grabbing the cunt by the pussy. I suggest that all incels lie to their coworkers about being in a relationship, as it will make life as a corporate slave much easier, until the time comes where you have accumulated enough to walk away from it all.



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