Hey KK! Thanks for coming over here from Gawker to ANP! Did you read this sentence from the story? While evidence PROVING that the use of these fully air-conditioned domes will be used to house 'insurgents' is dubious at best... of course I cannot PROVE these will be used as death domes!!! My God, if I knew that for sure, I'd be Obama, or God, which of course O is as far away from as any other psychopath/president who mass murders innocent people around the world for a living, like, say, Bush used to do, too.... WHY did the LEFT forget about all the wars we embroil ourselves in when O took over? He's been disaster, and coming from someone who ALWAYS used to considered himself FAR LEFT, that's saying a lot, isn't it? I'll tell you KK, 90% of the stories I write I PRAY will never come true... Do you or anyone else want martial law and collapse in America for your families? Susan and I sure don't, but that's the way it's quickly headed if enough of YOU don't wake up and smell what's coming... Consider ANP an EARLY WARNING SYSTEM to the world... I hope what we are warning of NEVER comes true... Peace!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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