[about Chick Tracts]
As for Chick and the Roman Church - I am suprised the RCC has not shut him down for the truth they present. The expose the RCC for the wicked, pagan organization it is.
Yes, that's it!! The Catholic Church is the anti-Christian conspiracy you fundies are always talking about! They even have the power to bypass the First Amendment in their relentless, dogged, nonexistent quest to discredit REAL Christians!
Now, Bro. Randy and Jack Chick, there's a truly terrifying combination. Maybe if there really is a Hell, it's just being forced to listen to them spout off nonsense endlessly.
Again with the narcissism. What makes Bro. Fuckwit think that the Catholics would bother spitting on his little wankfest, let alone going to the trouble of shutting it down?
To the Catholic Church, halfwits like Bro. Randy and Jack Chick are insignificant little specks. There are only a small number of people crazy enough to buy into scary doomsday cults.
Hey people like Randy are Chick's meal ticket. Chick has the best gig in the world. It is a fundie comic form letter that costs virtually nothing to produce. Same storyline, same plot, same outcome, just change the sin, change the name of the characters, then add some faux facts, and laugh all the way to the bank. The brother Randys of the world will buy these things in mass, inflict them on their followers or scatter them all over the place, we laugh at them, toss them in the garbage (or use them for toilet paper in an emergency) and Randy's crew thinks they are "spreading the word" and gaining "heavenly brownie points", and buy more. PS You know Randy can't stand Catholics because the Veneration of Mary and all the female (as well as male) Saints flies in the face of his hatred of females and his demeaning of women in religion!
The RCC hasn't shut him down yet because it's still hammering out an agreement with the other members of the worldwide conspiracy. It's amazing what concessions the feminazis, the Illuminati, and the shape-shifting lizards are holding out for.
Jack Chick, the Bro and I suspect most of the T4C crowd are all of a piece. They are rabid "landmark" Baptists who believe their own small group of fundie Baptists are the only Christians. Their beliefs include conspiracy theories about the Catholic Church, denial that they are Protestants, insistence that their church was founded by Jesus, rigid insistence on the KJV and numerous other extreme fundamentalist opinions. Their history myth and conspiracy theories are rejected by mainstream Baptists and aren't accepted by anyone outside their small, bigoted group.
@Old Viking - they're aware of his arguments, if not his cartoons, and have responded to them point by point, complete with Biblical quotes. It just goes to show that both Chick and the Catholic Church can cherry-pick the Bible to prove anything they please.
You know Randy can't stand Catholics because the Veneration of Mary and all the female (as well as male) Saints flies in the face of his hatred of females and his demeaning of women in religion!
Exactly what I was thinking, flipper.
Brother Randy, they ignore him, just as they ignore you for a very simple principle.
They don't mind, because you don't matter!
You're talking to a girl who belongs to a church with a liturgy and belief system VERY much like the Catholic Church. To call the Catholics Pagan because of their liturgy and their respect for dead brothers and sisters in Christ is to call my church pagan, and that's not safe.
Good one, Haywood...
speaking of anti-Catholic whack jobs, anyone recall Tony Alamo? His last name is pronounced "a LAME-O," and that describes him to a T... a washed up big-band singer and self-professed ex-Jew who enjoys designing tacky jackets in between rounds of Vatican-bashing.
If they do ban his crap, than they are unconstitutional- and, worse, not trueChristians tm. If they don't its because they are a wicked, pagan orgainisation...
I yet do not get why the fundies are so obsessed in saying the Catholic Church is pagan.
We pray to the same God, we worship Jesus, we follow the Bible... how can you be a pagan if you do all that?
You don't have to support Jack Chicks garbage to show your faith and fundamentalist delusions, just stamp dumbfuck on your forehead and be done with it.
This is Bro. Randy himself admitting he's fallen for one of the biggest bullshitters ever but we above an eight year olds mentalities are supposed to take advice from him?
Where'd your Bible come from Randy? Don't bother, you're lost, you'll never understand the real world again.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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