Wayne Allyn Root #fundie reviewjournal.com

COMMENTARY: Polls are again showing their bias when it comes to Donald Trump’s popularity

Liberals and the mainstream media (I know, I repeat myself) keep talking about “fake news.” That’s because they invented the genre.

Exhibit A is President Trump’s popularity. If you watch or read the mainstream news, you’d think Trump is not only unpopular, but the most unpopular new president ever. Really?

During the 2016 presidential election, almost every poll showed Trump losing badly. All the political “experts” got it wrong, because they believed the polls.

But I knew the polls were flawed. They were almost all oversampling Democrat voters. If you’re including far more Democrats in the poll than Republicans, of course the poll results will be negative to Trump.

The same polls that oversampled Democrats to show Trump was losing the election badly are now repeating the scam.

Unpopular? He’s the first president in history to actually do what he promised to do. In a matter of three weeks, he’s already passed, proposed or signed much of the agenda on which he campaigned. Trump is remarkable. Why would that make him unpopular?

Americans voted for cuts in taxes and regulations — for the repeal of Obamacare — for a wall to be built along our southern border — for an end to lawless “sanctuary cities” — for a president tough on radical Islam — for a president willing to impose “extreme vetting” on immigrants from countries that breed terrorism — for a president willing to kill bad trade deals. Trump has already taken action on all of that.



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