I recongized that I had similar experiences like Johanna Michaelsen since I was a small kid that fell into my involvement of occult when I practiced witchcraft. I experienced frequently visions, dreams, and hallunications. How greatly wrong I am! I finally accepted Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior and renounced my involvement of occult. I prayfully am looking a way to end the pyschic powers with Lord's guidance.
In 1997, When I ordered and read this book, the demons manifested and oppressed me! It lasted two seasons until I confessed every sins from birth to present in Jesus' name. Yes, that is so real. Be careful when read this book.
I strongly recommend this book as excellent education tools to everyone who was involved with occult and want to repent toward Lord Jesus Christ. Also, I strongly recommend that Dr. Rebecca Brown's books ("He Came To Set The Captives Free", "Prepare For War", "Becoming A Vessel of Honor", and "Unbroken Curses") for everyone
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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